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BBC Shetland Series - Ann Cleeves novels filmed in Shetland

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Getting past scenery excitement and the much complained about lack of accents, what you have is a bland attempt at the cliched british murder mystery that is both slow and unexciting. It's a shame because the cast is not bad.


I also felt they bulldozed past Shetland culture by implementing their own poor/Scottish perception, with name dropping made worse by mis-pronounciation. This could and perhaps should have been set somewhere else.

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I rather enjoyed it and I'll be watching the 2nd part tonight.


Personally, I'm simply pleased to see anything of Shetland on television. There was a shot of St Ninian's Isle and of course, the familiar Lounge Bar. :D


I'm rather 'fed-up' with the usual (formulaic) crime dramas, which are always set in London or some (non-existent) idyllic village in the south of England.


Okay, so there were some elements of the the story that were more Scotland than Shetland, but at least it is a start.


I hope that the tourist industry in Shetland gets a boost from this.

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Given how poor the novels are I thought it was ok. I think they were right in not even attempting Shetland accents as a bad job of it would be worse than using random Scottish accents as they did. The artist license used on locations wasnt too bad and I'm kind of looking forward to tonights conclusion.


The overlabouring of local history and culture might be necessary to the plot but I found it grating, I guess that the 99.9% of viewers who live elsewhere wouldn't have felt it though.


Another nice boost for tourism though hopefully.

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As usual with productions made in or about Scotland, the Shetland drama with it's good scenic shots promised more than it delivered in the first episode. I admit that I haven't got round to reading Anne Cleves but this TV production seemed to try and crowbar as many Shetland icons as possible into the episode without due consideration. Either Lerwick Up Helly Aa has been shifted to July or global warming has encouraged visiting yachts in winter ! Glad to see the north boat is now berthing at Victoria pier (it will make for a shorter walk) and locals don't usually say "I'm taking the inter island ferry to Bressay" Don't get me started about the music session for the 'Ceilidh' !

More importantly,I am not aware of any Shetland men sailing with the 'Shetland Bus' ( this seems to be an important part of the plot line) and believe that the participants were all Norwegian resistance fighters,apart from some of the shore staff. Surely more local advice could have been taken on matters such as these or am I just nitpicking ? However if they could throw in a few otters,seals,neesocks and an orca or twa the place would be packed with tourists.

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Found it all very irritating - when has the weather ever been that mild around UHA? - flowers in bloom, distinct lack of Shetland dialect, and finally, it makes Shetlanders out to be a bunch of whiskey swigging drunkards ( when they are not on the champers). Sorely let down. I'm nae happy.

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I don’t think this was ever supposed to be a truthful documentary about Shetland just as east enders is not a true representation of life in London , it is a crime drama with a difference does anyone know who dun it. half way through and I’ve not got a clue well done BBC can’t wait to see tonight’s episode.

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I don’t think this was ever supposed to be a truthful documentary about Shetland just as east enders is not a true representation of life in London

True, but when something is self-titled, it should perhaps pay a bit more attention to detail.

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My mother is from Shetland while I was born South, I lived in Shetland for many years and due to marry a lass from Shetland.

I can't do a Shetland accent, in fact I do a better Orkadian accent despite the fact I have only passed through Orkney on the boat. My point is that if they were to try and put on a Shetland accent I think it would be slated and would have failed.

I agree that it is a crime drama not a Shetland Documentary, Simon King did a good Shetland documentary... Watch that if you want to see move Shetland or go outside :-)

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Apart from some of the points noted above, even though it was a story, I don't think that having two murders (so far) is a good selling point for the islands.

Incidentally, nice to see the shot of St Ninian's in the programme but what did it have to do with the story?

Also, why call the drama just "Shetland"?

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^^ I would suggest the naming may have something to do with the location being by far the best thing it has going for it.


I think a lot of the reactions people are having about the locations and accents etc are down to the fact it was a poorly written and boring story. No fault of the actors or production, there is only so much you can do with poor material.

If it had been a tight, gripping, drama as we are used to seeing from the BBC I seriously doubt anyone would have noticed the dodgy accents etc.

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