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SIC bans folk leaving aside items at Gremista dump

Equality Street

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It is completely crazy but you find something similar with charity shops down here, you try giving them electrical goods or childrens toys, they tend to refuse.

However, these days with the Environmental Law regarding waste, all efforts should be made to recycle, reuse or reduce before you dispose of anything, well surely, by putting usable items to one side complies with the idea of re-use and should be encouraged not stopped.

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there was probably no wife, i bet the staff was just annoyed at people leaving junk on the side.


don't know if it was a wife who complained but i know the staff were told by higher up to stop the practise as it was a health and safety issue!!!!!and also i know at least one member of staff is happy that the stuff is getting re-used and not dumped

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When I cleared out my Dads house, I did leave stuff there for others to take. Amongst the crap was some good stuff. What I did notice was the same folk coming to go through what had been left, apparently, there is money in it.

I was suprised at the amount of crap left for others to sort out.

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When I cleared out my Dads house, I did leave stuff there for others to take. Amongst the crap was some good stuff. What I did notice was the same folk coming to go through what had been left, apparently, there is money in it.

I was suprised at the amount of crap left for others to sort out.


So let me get this right - you cleared out your Dad's house and left crap and stuff for "others to take", then you hung around to watch who sorted out the crap you had left because you thought you might have left money in it (most old sofas have a few pence down their backs) AND then you were suprised at the amount of crap you had left?

Surely you are full of the same said stuff ;)

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I know nothing of sofas, but yes could have worded it differently, I did leave good stuff amongst the crap some folk had dumped there before. Clearing out a house can take many visits over many days. And over those few days I noticed the same folk taking the good stuff they could sell, this is what their plan was. They also dumped stuff there that did not work that they had taken before.


Much from the house went to COPE and some to the sale rooms, though after seeing what was paid for some of the items from the sale room, I would have liked to have given it to COPE. I am sure they would have made more on the items.


A subjective description is crap, it was crap to me but someone may not have thought so themselves.


There are no such schemes operating in any of our transfer stations. It is about liabilities I would imagine.


Has anyone asked?

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I've had a few things from there over the years. It's a real pity it has been stopped. I notice that they've also removed the COPE box for recycling tools.


This is a very sad day. The leaving of worthwhile stuff for others was an outstanding feature of the service and it ought to be reinstated forthwith.


It's not so much health and safety (Good Things in themselves) that drives such things but the fear of being sued. If we go on bowing to that litigation culture - imported from the US, I think - then we'll end up doing nothing worthwhile.

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I did hear that it had been stopped because folk coming to dump rubbish were complaining that they were having to sit and wait ages to dump their rubbish whilst those in front of them in the queue were going through the stuff that had been left at the side.


Don't know if it's right or not, but I'm sure a quick phone call to the Council would enlighten anyone who wants to know.

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Jonathon Emptage was on Radio Shetland tonight explaining that they had to stop it as it was getting too popular. Apparently people were going with the dump men's tools if they were left unattended!


He recommended putting anything that had a bit of life left in it to COPE.

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