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I have just heard that all the garden refuse at da dump as well as all that collected by the council - that includes bushes, grass, plants, etc. - is used as land fill.

There I was thinking it was being shredded then composted, ready for use by the council or bagged up for sale to the public.

Does the council recycle nothing?

What happens to their old computers, office furniture, and so on.

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as far as i can see recycling by council defination is when in our control we will decide what to do with it most go to land fill and some they pay a person called 60 north a fee to recycle the rest recycling is an excuse to fleece the public of more council tax we need an independant body to control waste in a proper manner

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Yup, Global Renewables have done that here. Guess what? They produce stuff for landfill, but it is safe for landfill, but charge us, but give us some powdery factory produced loam, but produce hundreds of tonnes of inert loam, that cannot be used, except as bulking agent for flowers. It has not got a license as it is made from the stuff that is left over from the extraction of valuable stuff. They are an Australian Mining Company. They have been fined for pollution.


The better option would be to make your own composter and .


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[quote name="keetiebairdie"


Does the council recycle nothing?


What happens to their old computers' date=' office furniture, and so on.[/quote]


As far as I know anything that can be reused goes for sale by COPE




The Scrapstore has also developed an e-mail, telephone, fax, letter and drop in service for recycling information, advice, wants, swaps, offers of free materials, collection & drop off point for other recycling organisations such as the charity shops, Rotary club, Shetland Amenity Trust etc and one off initiatives such as the Blue Peter appeal, Rags for Oxfam, school books fund raiser event and so on.
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