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interesting hitchhiker


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gave a lift to a very strange chap claims to be a grey wizard. very odd. claims the wife is a witch and im possessed by a demon. seems the wife is too strong to be attacked so muggins gets it. hes staying in the bod up here until Thursday or Friday then heading down to the south end. if you see a chap with a staff and a beard maybe pass him by. don't say i did not warn you. seriously he does.


unlink i thought of you when he was talking but even im not that cruel to inflict him on you. even if im possessed. im waiting for my head to start rotating. me thinks it may take some time.

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beard was a little shorter and normal clothes. so was a little taken aback when he said what he was. he was hitching from skeld to vidilin so we took him. no he was not like your wizard he does both white and black magic. tempted to stop and get him out but to polite. strangely the other resident left the bod were he is staying wonder why.

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He could have been the Messiah sent to save ya, Paulb - you well and truly doomed now. :wink:

nope. this guy was very strange met weirder. but who knows you may get to meet him hes down your end next week. offered to cast out my demon. but hes mine all mine. how typical i tell the wife to stop and im the bad guy. wont be going to the marina this week.

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wonder if he was the same guy who was hitching over the road from my house in south lochside. he then went to the bus stop and hitched every time a car went by. was there for over an hour! he had a beard and a rucksack on. odd place to try and hitch!!!

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His name is Isaak.. and he told me he is a White Sorcerer.. I agree what PaulB says.. approach with caution, although he appears harmless. Has been into my shop a couple of times and I can say that this he has a sweet tooth!


He is heading onto Vidlin on wednesday to out the demons at the Simmer Dim rally before heading south to Levenwick campsite.


Unlike Paul, he told me that I had a good spirit... not like all those possessed on the westside (according to him!).


He has also found a ghost in the Skeld Bod... said she was lonely and would be taking her away with him on wednesday.. i'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere

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He's about 6foot, has bad knees, walks with a staff. Wears a light tan leather jacket and must be all of 60. Has a beard akin to Grizzley Adams if you can remember back that far (white - think santy)


He told me that he lives in Poole but is on a long journey.. he is hoping he can find somebody in Shetland to take him to Norway. He has no strong accent.. other than mainland english.. could not detect a particular part of the country.


he wears headphones much of the time and is very short-sighted.. I asked him what he was listening to.. and he showed me his Ipod.. as well as lots of trance music, more worryingly I found Belinda Carlisle and Crazy Frog... surely enough to question somebodys sanity!!

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