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nice family place for kids to play

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Hi im kindo new to shetland and living up in mossbank, im looking for some advice on where to take my kids for nice day trips, picnics ect. beaches or little burns to try net little fish and so on.


any advice would be very greatfull



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If you take the Graven road ( watch out for pipe traffic). You will come to a bit at the bottom of a steep hill and just over a bridge. The graveyard is off to your right. There is usually a pony in the field on your left with some ruined buildings. From the bridge you can follow the burn for a good bit. It has a small dam just up a bit where you can wade on a nice day.

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When we were at Mossbank we used to go to beaches on Muckle Roe regularly. Go over the bridge and right to otter Ayre. Go over the bridge and follow the road to the parking spot at the end to Little Ayre and Muckle Ayre. If you're feeling keen North and South Hams too.


Also Back Sands at Ollaberry is a great spot if you don't mind a bit of a walk down a steep gulley.


Used to go to Voxter woods on the right along the road to Brae (up above Voxter House and The Burn of Valayre on the left a bit further along the same road.


Off the road over from Voe to Aith is The Burn of Lunklet with a nice waterfall and at Aith is Michaels Wood which has plenty for kids.


Our little un still like going to Kergord Woods and down the burn from Bonhoga Gallery is nice too.


If you google them you should see images and locations or search on my blog http://moder-dye.blogspot.com/


Plenty of other places once you get your bearings.


Have fun 8)

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