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Messy People


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What can you do about messy people who use there garden as a junk yard, these guys are the real deal, life of grime comes to mind. Old wrecks of cars, animals everywhere not fenced in and any junk out their house just gets thrown into the front or back garden, I mean it looks like a total junk yard. I cant stand to look at the place when I go for a walk and I have to walk past it, their must be something you can do about this.


It's there kids I feel sorry for, I would nearly think the garden is unsafe for kids to play in. these people own the house. They are not terrible people, just messy

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Not what you want to hear I'm sure, but perhaps "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?


Personally speaking I'd much rather look out on long unkempt natural grass and a few deceased and decaying vehicles than a perfectly manicured lawn and flowerbeds. As a kid I grew up with sheep, cattle, dogs, cats and hens wandering over the doorstep as they pleased, and occasionally in to the house, its was a croft, such things were normal. I spent untold hours as a toddler playing on and in old vehicles and redundant machinery, it was some of my most enjoyable times and fondest memories. But that's just me, I realise I'm in a very small minority to feel that way.


In all honesty, as they own the property, unless pieces of the vehicles are blowing out of the property and becoming a danger to neighbours, the animals escaping and being likewise, or there is some threat to public health from their activities, I don't think there's much you have a right to do, or can do, except respect their right to live the way they choose, and look the other way when passing.

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I agree with you both.


I was once told that that rusty vehicles etc were left lying around as it cost too much fot the owners to ship them off the island. Then I think I also read the the Amenity trust will take them away for you.


It does make Shetland look like a dump :(


However it's also the landowner's choice, just a shame that so much of it is on public view next to the roads.


A semi-wild croft sounds like fun, but kids will find advernture anywhere, won't they. I used to play on delapidated asbestos garages, where there was loads of glass. Had many adventures. With hindsight it probably wasn't such a good idea ;)

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This is in a garden, (not a croft), the fences are all fallen down and animals are everywhere, the animals walk around the hills, over the main road and other folks property. They should have to at least have the animals fenced in, surely! .

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The UK GOV are looking to force folk to keep their property in an orderly fashion, some here have been evicted from social housing because they treat their garden as a dump. This, they say will force owners to keep their property in good order.


Take advice from the Council, not here. The council will be able to tell you if there is anything that can be done. Private or rented, they can act. Normally it is the environment dept. that will address this. There could be other underlying problems as well, some folk need a little help.

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if there is cause for concern should you not perhaps contact the council, enviromental health?


Have you talked to the people in question? it could be that perhaps they are struggling as its such a big job for them to get it cleared? how about offering a friendly neighbourly hand to get it sorted?

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We are already told how we should lead our lives.


I would worry about infestations in some cases. Well, UK GOV will clear the way for councils to clear the way.


Which "UK GOV" would that be then? :wink:


There is a huge difference between someone having, for example, soiled nappies and household waste in their back garden compared to a few rusty cars. The Amenity Trust don't always collect promptly - I know of someone who waited around a year.


Is it an offence for livestock to roam the hills and nearby roads? Are we talking a few chickens that have spread their wings?


Now if it was a case of a load of domesticated moggies coming and crapping in your front garden then yeah - about time a law was passed to deal with that! After all, given that they are 'domesticated', they can use a blooming cat tray indoors. :wink:

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All very well storing up hellery round about you untill it starts taking flight in the winter gales and then it becomes several lethal weapons. This sheet of aluminium travelled about half a mile before I managed to make it safe. :-


Yep, if you consider it dangerous contact environmental health.


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When i was living in a council house i recived a letter demanding that i cut the grass as it was too long, so they are lucky they dont live in a council house if there garden is such an eyesore


Over 13 years ago I asked SIC Housing what exterior areas were the responsibility of the tenant of a particular property, I received a "non-answer". The matter rested, until they sent a letter the same as your's to the property 7 years ago. I sent them a reply stating that I had requested information on what if any exterior grounds were the responsibility of said property 6 years prior, and their office had been unable to provide a specific answer. They acknowledged my reply, and stated that "someone would be in touch shortly with further details"....7 years later nothing more has been received from them on the matter and nothing has changed on the ground.


Its all fine and well in theory, but when they can't even follow up on what they undertake to do themselves, it really doesn't say much for the practice.

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Also another thing about my old council house, when we moved in it was disgusting, filth everywhere. Everything was yellow and stained from smoking. So we scrubbed, cleaned and even painted the roof.

When we moved w recieved a letter from the council, it was a Bill. They billed us because we aparently left the house in such a state they needed cleaners out. this was a complete joke, when we phoned to dispute , they didnt want to know. What a load of stoness, id rather privare rent but even the private renting is a joke as the landlords are just looking for contractors so they can charge extortionate rates.

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