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For Ducks sake!

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Down below our house there is a Duck that comes every year to have her little Ducks, the last 2 years I have watched with disappointment as the resident Black Back has picked them off one at a time for dinner.


This year Mrs Duck had nine little Ducks and already one is MIA.


Now I suppose I could do what the yanks do and I could use superior fire power to remove Mr Black Back from the equation completely since recent negotiations for him to move district have failed, but I don't like to interfere too much with natures course.


If anyone has any tried and tested methods, not including death id like to hear them.

Also i'm toying with the idea of kidnapping him and releasing him far away, no i'm not joking! But would he just find his way back?

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Guest CyprusPluto
Now I suppose I could do what the yanks do and I could use superior fire power to remove Mr Black Back from the equation completely since recent negotiations for him to move district have failed, but I don't like to interfere too much with natures course.


I don't think this is a good plan, you'd end up killing all the ducks as well in 'friendly fire' :oops:

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