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Internet problems?


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It is BT again. I've been having 'drop outs' and losing connection for the last 24hrs, and the other ISP in this gaff is having the same problem. No, it is not the router; it is bleeding BT YET again!


Perish the thought, even the call centre admitted I was getting the same problem 'yet again' and router is fine. Re-starting the router makes SFA difference.


Don't tell me, the blue tac has fallen off the microlink perhaps again?


Oh well, another explanation from the BT Director attending Lerwick on 2 August (see above for details) awaited.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the real-world latency with the satellite? I've just had a peek at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_Internet_access which suggests that things like gaming (which doesn't interest me) and VOIP (which does) can be rendered unusable, especially if the person you are connected to also is on a satellite link.

I always thought that there had to be a BT phone link for the upload side, but that was the old system... looks like my knowledge needs an upgrade :lol: however, I do like to hedge my bets - especially here when different services can be interrupted so easily. Also, terrestrial infrastructure can be repaired in a matter of days... not so easy with bus-sized satellites!

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What's the real-world latency with the satellite? I've just had a peek at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_Internet_access which suggests that things like gaming (which doesn't interest me) and VOIP (which does) can be rendered unusable, especially if the person you are connected to also is on a satellite link.

I always thought that there had to be a BT phone link for the upload side, but that was the old system... looks like my knowledge needs an upgrade :lol: however, I do like to hedge my bets - especially here when different services can be interrupted so easily. Also, terrestrial infrastructure can be repaired in a matter of days... not so easy with bus-sized satellites!


I'd like to know ^^this too Radiohead? Always interested in a better service but would be surprised if the latency via satellite comes anywhere close to that provided by BT. Whats your ping to Paris & NY, just to give us some comparisons? Mine with BT are around 65 ms and 120 ms respectively.

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Looking at the Tooway website it gives a figure of 600-650ms.


It also says that it boosts the signal more than other satellite systems when rain fade kicks in. This could be a concern given the climate ;)


It also says performance can be affected by the location of the 'terminal', guessing that would be you. As it's a european satellite, we appear to be on the edge of limit. That would be something a current user could tell you I guess.


For VOIP is says, "Toowayâ„¢ can also support telephone through VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. This service is added on by service providers and prices can vary accordingly."


It says "If you’re faced with the prospect of ‘dial-up-only’ Internet access, then Tooway™ is for you."


I like internet gaming and VOIP so I think I'll give it a miss - though I know I am lucky with one of the better connections here.



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It will be interesting if their line is still similar to their stance at the MCA meeting I attended. Sure many folk will remember.




I hope some one on here has the sense to record the meeting in some way, verbatim would be best. Perhaps a typist???


Very trollish, SP.


Are you suggesting that the minutes provided by the local MP's Team from the previous meetings haven't been good enough?

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anyone else having problems this morning? just got back on after 30mins outage? I'm on Walls exchange.


Usually connect at 6.6. Down to 2.3 at the moment.


Just in time for the BT mans visit....


Sumburgh has had an intermittent fault for gawd knows how long, add into that the FOG ...


... which I've just advised the MP's Team of cos if Mr Dick from BT ain't on the island already, he got no chance of landing via air. Carmichael's Researcher now checking with BT to ascertain if Mr Dick already in Shetland. I'll revert when I find out more as to whether Mr Dick will be attending the forum meeting or not.

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FYI, next Northern Isles Digital Forum approaching and Brendon Dick (Director of BT Scotland) will apparently be attending, will be talking about what BT are doing to improve services and will answer questions.


Meeting is at 12.30 at the Isleburgh Community Centre on 2 August. ...


Just been advised by e-mail that meeting postponed due to fog at Sumburgh.

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anyone else having problems this morning? just got back on after 30mins outage? I'm on Walls exchange.


I'd say so... :cry: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2096940069.png


Took speedtest 2 mins just to load the main page. Several disconnections overnight, although Plusnet said they could only see when I'd tried rebooting the router.

Wonder why Mr Dick isn't simply doing the meeting by video conference, after all it's the modern way. Oh, hang on... that needs a rock solid connection :roll:

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