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Internet problems?


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So far so good, after getting 6Mbit/s only on very rare occasions before, and usually barely getting 2Mbit/s - often below 1Mbit/s.




Pings have also shot up from "Not completely useless"- to "Really quite excellent"+


I can't post a test result though, as have only managed to get one to work properly. Java is buggering up the the test on two computers.

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Best i have achieved so far



But NOT amused with TalkTalk, lost my internet at midnight. I phoned them this afternoon and got an Indian man who I could not understand, called back later to get an indian woman who told me I had an authentication error due to the server losing my username and password and I had to re-enter it. She also told me the username/password I was using trying was incorrect and to use the 1 I was given when I signed up. Even after informing her I never received anything from them as they had taken over my previous ISP and I still used the same login details she insisted I was using the wrong details and I had to phone another number to retrieve my details. Then she asked if I was happy with the outcome! She was told I was not happy and would be changing ISP.

Anyway i called the number she gave me to be give my login details which were a new username and password, so I had to change my router settings again.


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And heaven forbid you use their service with another (unsupported) modem. Apparently the answer to "Tell me what settings you want me to check in something more technical than 'Is the picture red or green?'" isn't in the script.


Neither is the answer for "I've already done what the web page says as I've viewed it on my phone. I still have no internet, and I would bet 1,000,000¥/€/$/£ that there is a fault with something on your side of the network."


Second level support actually have a clue though, if you can finally get through to them.

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Well can you believe this - my internet speed was very slow last night about 1/2mb and the same this morning - phoned Bt they were very helpful - a few checks - a fault on the line should take 48 hours to sort - 5 hours later and another call from BT and I have 5mb the fastest I have ever had. Bet you never thought anyone would come on here and say they were impressed with the service they received - but there you go - strange things do happen.

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Is anyone else suffering with horrendous dropouts and slow down , I'm with BT and while the speedtest is good for numbers I'm finding the service hugely problamatic , online gaming is impossible due to lag , be good to know if others are suffering or is it just my equipment .(I'm in Scy)

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yep, my father on otherside of the road with talktalk is having a horrendous time, he's blaming it being Sunday, on this side of the road with Orange we're fine, 6 devices connected and all working fine, live TV, live radio & iplayer all streaming fine.

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Woo! 8)

Yes yes, we're all very happy for you AT :roll:

Jealous? Who, me?


What puzzles me about the broadband industry as a whole is why only now are upload speed increasing - and even then only doubling to .75Mb. If I remember rightly 350kb was the standard upload set when adsl was rolled out, which is now a relatively long time ago. I considered using web-based storage for my digital photos some time ago, but the upload time for full-res images was a joke.

Does anyone know why Bt-based adsl is so restricted? It is one thing that makes moving to a cabled area more attractive. I wonder how long it will be before properties outside the "superfast" catchment areas will be unsaleable :cry:

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