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Internet problems?


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DK, from what I understand (and I'm no techno whizzo), one of the numerous BT Engineers explained to me how traffic is routed in Shetland. Now when the old microlink is 'fogged in' or lost one of the many bits of Blu-tac holding it together/in place/in the right direction/whatever, the signal appears to 'fade'. This is a bit like describing what happens when you are on your mobile phone and you move out of signal range; sometimes the voice goes crackly and at other times, you can hear the caller but they can't hear you.


Likewise, the phone line mimics the mobile in foggy conditions; you'll notice it on some calls but not others. I notice it on Broadband by sound files getting corrupted. I can go hours and get onto web pages okay, then I'll notice it getting gradually slower and slower ... and slower. Come after midnight, it shoots back up again to normal speed BUT even at 3.00am this morning, the 'pink' light came on the router. The more peeps using broadband, the more load on the microlink, not to mention that BT also carry, I've been told, Freeview (And no, I don't mean BT Vision).


Regarding Brendan Dick not utilising a video link - perish the thought, the microlink would NEVER be stable enough for that, even on a good day! Had he though chosen to do a video link, some may feel he was being chicken and/or impersonal.


I'm still waiting for the last outage complaint being dealt with - they are meant to respond within 20 days and it has been longer so just fired off an e-mail reminder (And yes, I did mention the fog!).


What I find quite amazing (But I'm not knocking it) is that Shetland finally made it onto the service status page as having problems, albeit I do wish they would stop referring to Lerwick as if Lerwick represents all Shetland codes; it is a tad like saying Doncaster exchange has a fault and including a Grimsby area code in the Doncaster fault listing.


Edit: There's more than one way to route traffic from Lerwick; I think there is something like two main cables. Sometimes Sumburgh traffic goes to Lerwick and back down again before bouncing off the microlink, other times it doesn't. It could be that they are attempting to re-route some of the 'outer' traffic and Lerwick is getting some of the problems we usually get and we're not getting it as bad as usual but we are still affected. A doorway is only so wide - and it is pot luck as to when you try to go through the door.

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Mine has been pretty erratic recently. On Thursday evening till Friday morning it was pretty much unuseable as it was so slow. Friday afternoon it seemed to burst back into life but has been very up and down.


Do people complain to their ISP's when the service goes down? I know it can be a bit of a bind going through their usual questions and checks, but if it's not reported, nothing will get done.

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^^ Absolutely. By all means come on here for a moan but it takes no time, you can even copy and paste your moan to BT's forums if you want to, but make sure you let them know or they obviously won;t be doing anything.


We have had a few drops in service over the last week, never for more than a few minutes.

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I heard a worker at the Library saying to someone that there was no internet there this afternoon but I'm not sure if it's connected.


I think there was supposed to be a high pressure coming upon wis this weekend so I was bracing myself but so far it hasn't been too bad(just as good as it gets).

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I heard a worker at the Library saying to someone that there was no internet there this afternoon but I'm not sure if it's connected.


I think there was supposed to be a high pressure coming upon wis this weekend so I was bracing myself but so far it hasn't been too bad(just as good as it gets).


Council use Cable & Wireless network. It was off on Saturday afternoon while repairs were being carried out at Fair Isle - this was planned work and the SIC knew about it in advance.

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