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Northern Isles Digital Forum meeting with Brendan Dick, Director of BT Scotland (Yeah, him who couldn't attend previously due to fog on the day many of us had no broadband), rescheduled for 12.30pm, 17 September 2012 at the Islesburgh Centre. Apparently Mr Dick will be accompanied at the meeting by a local BT Engineer. Further information available from Alistair Carmichael MP's Westminster office.

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Installed the BT hub last Tuesday. Phone, telly and broadband all going well.


Came in from work at teatime yesterday to find the broadband down. Still the same this morning.


Being new to BT, can someone enlighten me on where the Lerwick exchange is, are all in lerwick on the same exchange and has anyone else lost broadband last yesterday?


Customer Services were flummoxed by my quandary and blamed the exchange. Felt like a fob off.


Exchange is at Greenfield Crescent.


There is only one BT exchange


in Lerwick.


There is almost certainly no widespread general fault at the exchange. However, your particular line might have a problem.


Does the HH connect to the exchnage ? There will be a DSL LED indicator somehwere on it.




HH is connected all fine. LED remains steady amber. I had another hour on the phone last night going through possibilites. Eventually an engineer has been booked to come out and check on Sat afternoon. They claim that everything is ok at my end and that it's looking like something between the exchange and my socket. I have my doubts but we shall see.

A warning shot has been made regarding envoking my right to cancellation if there is no satisfactory resolution.

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Lovely to meet some of you regular posters at the Northern Isles Digital Forum meeting today. BT are looking to just after Xmas but hope to have it up and running before Xmas. Apparently, the equipment has already been installed in the Lerwick exchange.


I telephoned Ghostie when I was back in my car. Apparently, broadband went off for 3 minutes just prior to my call. :evil:


This isn't, however, the first time BT have released statements about a seabed cable but it is, I believe, the first time equipment relating to it has been installed within a Shetland exchange. We're still way behind many other places in the UK and we should be on an equal footing. At least it is a well overdue start to bring reliable broadband to these isles.

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How nice for Lerwick that they get supper fast broadband yet we are paying the same for 1.5gb and will keep our super dupa speeds. lovely.


The price you pay is decided by your service provider, not BT Wholesale.

The 'faster'speed to be available soon in Lerwick is actually charged at lower rate to the service providers than ye olde ADSL. However, the backhaul prices are more expensive, which encourages the cheaper suppliers to cram more users in.


The UK broadband market is one of the most competitive in the world.

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I thought it would be buzzing on here with the news... isn't this just what we've been asking for? Connection to the cable, more investment in Shetland?


And an ethernet connection in Lerwick thrown in for good measure...




Err it was buzzing(ish) yesterday on here. Nope, it isn't what we've been asking for. Where's the fibre to anywhere outside of Lerwick and, for matter, fibre in Lerwick instead of ADSL2? More investment? Well, £8 million is - err what percentage of BT's profit is £8 million anyone?


Ah yes, ethernet for business - you want to know how much that'll cost to use? Granted, it'll be fine for some of the larger businesses but I bet many of the larger businesses already use satellite or other connection methods, given how unreliable BT have been in the past. Ooops, Tesco's tills didn't work once due to BT being down - so perhaps they'll utilise the ethernet connection.

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