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Foreign Navy frigates visit, why not the Royal Navy?


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See today in Lerwick another visit from a "proper" naval vessel from a foreign navy, yet you never see the Royal Navy frigates/destroyers in here for dust, why do you think that is?


I'm talking about frigates/destroyers etc, not the coastal patrol vessels you do see in Lerwick from time to time like HMS Archer, or HMS Mersey when she was here for the tall ships...it's as if other countries value a "courtesy call" to our islands more than our own! :cry:

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Ahem, excuse me, it's not a "foreign" navy...... 8)


Who wants a British ship here anyway?. It was the British Navy that press ganged wir own Shetland men and boys.....




'Royal' Navy, actually.


Just remember that is was the 'British' Navy - along with 'British' aircrews and 'British' SOE and 'British' land troops that fought and died for the freedom of Norway alongside True Norwegians.


So take your narrow minded bigoted anti UK (and anti Shetland when it suits you) pish and shove it up your jacksey, Kavi.

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Major RN vessels very rarely call into non-base UK ports unless there is a specific tie to that particular town or it's operationally necessary.


In nine years in the Navy I only ever called into two UK ports away from RN bases: Glasgow (when I was on HMS Glasgow) and London on 'visits'.


For foreign navies, it's a chance for some relaxation time in different (UK/Shetland) surroundings. We used to do the same when elsewhere on the planet, lots of 'goodwill' visits that weren't an operational requirement.


Also, you really don't want 300+ matelots off a RN destroyer hitting your nice town centre after being at sea for weeks on end....it's not pretty, believe me :wink:

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Having served in the RN and being a Shetlander too, I agree with everything Scorre said about 300 matelots coming ashore, drinking, celebrating etc. You dont really need that.


As a boy there were loads of RN ships calling in, I used to go onboard them when ever you were allowed to. In those days the RN had over 100 fighting ships at their disposal. These days there are probably around the 20/30 mark. So you could wait for years before one comes to Lerwick.


The ships I served in did visit British ports, Lerwick included, but not often. Strangely enough the best trip for me was a round Britian trip for "meet the Navy" in the mid 1970's. No restictions on recruitment in those days.


I now live very near an ex-naval dockyard and since HMS Chatham was done away with, we dont see any in Medway anymore either.

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On That note ^ I almost bought a Thames Cruiser that was berthed there, it had taken part in the repatriation of the British Expeditionary Force during the Second World War. They brought it in for me to view, the berth they used had not had such a large vessel in it for a while, the tide went out, it stuck in the silt, the tide came up, it didn't. I did not buy it though it was a nice vessel. Some what wet.

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iam pretty sure if there was a British Royal Navy vessel in here every other week folk would be saying 'look they do no work waste of taxpayers money etc etc etc'

at least if they aint calling at uk ports they are making there presence felt elsewhere in the world hopefully detering pirates (if thats possible)

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