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Shetland is the happiest place in the UK!


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You can read the original paper here. On page 27 there is a link to the RFT reference geography tables. There it says that the sample size for Shetland, Orkney and the Western Isles was around 650, but it also says, "* Eilean Siar, Orkney and Shetland Islands combined as individual sample sizes too small for reliable estimates." Source: April 2011 to March 2012, Annual Population Survey Subjective Well-being Experimental dataset, ONS


C'mon, fess up, has anyone actually filled out this survey? I'm curious to know what the actual sample size for Shetland is.


Note: I'm a very happy, content with my lot in life person. :)

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I'm surprised not to see any comments from Shetland folk on this recent Guardian article.

Edit: found some! I was looking at the wrong comments section, oops!



Unsurprisingly, Shetland, where I accidentally went for my honeymoon, was one of the least anxious places to live, with the highest levels of life satisfaction, self-worth and happiness. That could be explained by the fact that there isn't anything or anyone there. You'd need to have a very good imagination to feel anxious in Shetland. You have to really want it, bad. I'd even go so far as to say that you'd actually have to go looking for it. Even if you had the most detailed Ordnance Survey map of the island, which we did, I still don't think you'd be able to find anything. Or any stress.


According to one woman I spoke to who worked for the RSPB, even birds don't go to Shetland, because there's nothing for them to do or eat there. It's so windy and so cold and so isolated that very few plant species visit the islands. Even the weather doesn't go to Shetland. I did though. For my honeymoon. In December. One of the highlights of the week was when I saw a chicken by the side of the road. Our honeymoon photos are not your traditional honeymoon photos. Hundreds of pictures of an empty, hostile landscape, and then one of me, pointing at a chicken. All the photos came out really dark as well, because light doesn't go to Shetland either. Not at that time of the year. I can't remember what the other "highlights" were. Beautiful island though, if you're not into doing or seeing anything.

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