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I am, and always, have been 100% supportive of local company's and shops in Shetland. I do however have a problem with Shetland milk though, it's not the price but the container. I find the container quick un-suitable as I have had ones that has leaked out in my bag of shopping which makes a terrible mess and you have to wipe all your other groceries with a damp cloth, also have to turn around and buy another pint of milk as it is all leaked out.


Also, that plastic foil thing on the top is impossible to open if your hands are wet and old folk would have great difficulty trying to open it if they have problems with their hands.


As far as I see, the best container that Shetland milk had was the glass milk bottles followed by the cartons. Remember when they came up with that stupid milk bag idea after the glass bottles? then they had to supply jugs to set the milk bags in as once they were open, you couldn't set it down.


Why don't they bring back the glass bottles again? but it would probably cost to much and it probably wouldn't work with the "return bottle" system. Though I imagine they could work something out and the sales would probably go up with the nostalgic image.

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I am, and always, have been 100% supportive of local company's and shops in Shetland. I do however have a problem with Shetland milk though, it's not the price but the container. I find the container quick un-suitable as I have had ones that has leaked out in my bag of shopping which makes a terrible mess and you have to wipe all your other groceries with a damp cloth, also have to turn around and buy another pint of milk as it is all leaked out.


Also, that plastic foil thing on the top is impossible to open if your hands are wet and old folk would have great difficulty trying to open it if they have problems with their hands.


As far as I see, the best container that Shetland milk had was the glass milk bottles followed by the cartons. Remember when they came up with that stupid milk bag idea after the glass bottles? then they had to supply jugs to set the milk bags in as once they were open, you couldn't set it down.


Why don't they bring back the glass bottles again? but it would probably cost to much and it probably wouldn't work with the "return bottle" system. Though I imagine they could work something out and the sales would probably go up with the nostalgic image.

Are you aware that they have introduced a new container? Hence the reason for my post :-)

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I never had any particular issue with the plastic flasks they've been using for a while. Common sense should have prevented the occasional leaky one that did slip through being a problem, ie. keep the opening portion of any container holding liquid at its highest point, and TBH the pull off foil bit was "difficult" on far less occasion than it is with name brand national/multi-national companies who use the same system on their products (think ketchup, yoghurt etc).


The new flasks seem to have addressed the leaking and accessibility issues folk were complaining about though, so thats good. I'd rather have me ain coo for my milk, but as I don't right now, I have no issues with local dairy milk doing the job instead.

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I know what you are saying but it's rather hard to keep it in an upright position when it's in a bag of messages in the van. I was at the Co-op tonight and seen there was quite a large selection of Shetland Whole blue label milk but I bought a litre of Cravendale Whole milk instade.


Seeing they have got new containers then I will buy a 2 pint container of Shetland milk when I need more milk, probably Sunday and I will give you all my opinion of the container.

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Just bought a pint of Shetland milk in the new container that they introduced. It is a real improvement and seems to be more secure and they have left out that horrid plastic foil thing that me and granddad always had difficulty opening. Well done Shetland milk on the new container, I am quite impressed with the first pint container.

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  • 1 year later...

Why just supermarkets?


One shop in Scalloway has been selling milk at £1 for a large 2Litre bottle.. 


In fairness, the same shop also stocks Shetland milk but at more than twice the price of the import, there is no fair "choice".


The only solution would be to ban(?) imports (but we can't do that can we....) and let the local producers have a go.  Then, we could all complain about the price of milk..

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Depends on which version of the "truth" you are talking about...  Personally, being extremely "lactose intolerant", I have always avoided anything that included butter/milk fats etc.


The "shock and horror" expressed when I eat "dry" bread or drink tea/coffee without milk has always amused me.


The PR Job has been fantastically well executed despite the fact that the only people that milk was ever any good for was Dairy Farmers.

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