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New pharmacy and Scalloway a conservation area


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There's good planned development and bad planned development. This is poorly sited and takes away civic amenity in the area.

It's not about centralisation - the Scalloway surgery service is very highly regarded and it is no longer going to be dispensing prescriptions, causing an uneccessary disruption to a perfecrtly good service.


Time will tell if a pharmacy is required in central mainland - clearly it is not able to stand on its own feet considering the scale of building and the fact it incorporates accomodation to make the whole thing pay.


I doubt very much if too many folk will darken its door initially but no doubt it will eventually get some custom.


It would be a smart move by Boots to lay on a couple of shuttle runs to Lerwick say morning and afternoon - it would be well used.

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According to their website Boots can deliver repeat prescriptions to your door. I don't know if they offer that service here.


I think it relies upon the GP being able to provide them with the prescription electronically which I referred to above.

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After all the fuss about drink and drugs use in Shetland!

Only the Shetland Health Board would build a drug store next to a pub.

If you can give the right palm enough money (Councillors or SNP MSP’s Uk MPs) you can build whatever you want, wherever you want

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  • 3 weeks later...
From the Shetland News




On Tuesday the Scottish ministers’ reporter Michael Cunliffe overturned the council’s decision and following a site visit last week granted permission for the building to go up in the area currently used as a car park by the Kiln bar, which had been previously occupied by the now-demolished Kiln Cottage.


Mr Cunliffe said that even though the building, which incorporates a first floor flat, was a modern design within a conservation area, it would fit in with its surroundings.


This is what annoys me most about it - the Scottish government's disregard for local government, which they've demonstrated by stepping in and overturning the SIC's lawful decision.


I suppose we can't expect any better from the SNP's petty control-freak authoritarians with their obsession with centralisation. And of course they have it in for us in Orkney and Shetland anyway for not electing an SNP MSP....

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Guest CyprusPluto


2. The Scalloway Health Centre will lose the income it gets from prescribing

which will mean cuts in the service to its patients.


Sorry MuckleJoannie your point two is not entirely correct. There will be a loss of prescribing income, but this shouldnot mean cuts to patients services other than the prescribing service itself.

However, I am aware that total income/expenditure data shows the Scalloway practice to be one, if not THE most financially efficient practice for it's size in Shetland

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Guest CyprusPluto

It appears from this comment that Scalloway GPs were using Prescribing income as a support to other areas of their business. It is this that needs to be analysed not the decision regarding the prescribing income and service.


The practice is a private business and as such they need to make a profit; how they spend this profit is their decision - whether on salaries, overheads or additional services. It's effectively the same financial business model as any other business (ie Tesco). The purchasers (the Health Board) have a financial duty to the taxpayer in the same way the purchasers for Tesco do, Tesco purchasers have a financial duty to their shareholders. They need to get best value for money. This concept does not mean the cheapest as the recent arguments regarding the price of milk has demonstrated.


As I've said Scalloway GP practice has one of the lowest costs per patient of all the GP practices. Lerwick HC is lower due to size and economies of scale, they should compare themselves to Brae HC and others of similar size and patient mix. I believe Scalloway need to seek reassurances and financial data on this as a way of moving forward and therefore potentially reinstating some of the services that are claimed to be at risk.

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So now the pharmacy needs the Post Office to survive what’s next a Brothel up stairs That will sell a few condoms I'm sure.


I doubt it 'needs' anything to survive, but since the book shop is chucking the towl in then anyone can pick it up, (even you or me) they are plenty other shops in scalloway if the want to apply for it as well.


Maybe the Dr's could apply since it will soon have a vacant space and staff free in the building. or everyone can sit back and let someone else get it.


if i remember the old post office was up for sale for ages and noone in the community rushed forward.


So if the pharmacy pics it up, then good for them and good for the community as without it you will be heading to lerwick, but then you will be going anyway to get your lerwick perscriptions??? :wink:

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I doubt it 'needs' anything to survive, but since the book shop is chucking the towl in then anyone can pick it up, (even you or me) they are plenty other shops in scalloway if the want to apply for it as well.


Not quite as straightforward as that.


I believe that any new postmaster has to pay the present incumbent a sum of (I could be wrong here) around £10,000.

Not sure if this is classed as a 'goodwill' or 'goodbye' payment :lol: but, pretty sure it's the reason why there appears to be so little interest..

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Guest posiedon
I doubt it 'needs' anything to survive, but since the book shop is chucking the towl in then anyone can pick it up, (even you or me) they are plenty other shops in scalloway if the want to apply for it as well.


Not quite as straightforward as that.


I believe that any new postmaster has to pay the present incumbent a sum of (I could be wrong here) around £10,000.

Not sure if this is classed as a 'goodwill' or 'goodbye' payment :lol: but, pretty sure it's the reason why there appears to be so little interest..

Myself and my wife took over a post office and shop in 1999, we paid for the stock at valuation but paid nothing for taking on the post office.
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