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I for one will be saving copies of all my contributions from now on, just in case you want to change them and make me look bad.


Maybe you should let the conspiracy theorists at loose change 911 site. :? They know exactly what you are talking about! 8O

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I for one will be saving copies of all my contributions from now on, just in case you want to change them and make me look bad.


Maybe you should let the conspiracy theorists at loose change 911 site. :? They know exactly what you are talking about! 8O


:? Hmm, yes, that was all very weird.


As regards rivalry, until the day that Bill Gates or Warren Buffet are banging on Shetlandic doors trying to throw money around I don't think any perceived net-rivalry benefits anyone. Shetland as a whole has quite a high national public profile at the moment, and that's a great thing for trade. The more net resources the better.

Almost every business i have worked with/for in Shetland has discreetly upheld a "we'll get from you, you get from us, when/if necessary" policy, to the ends where the customer benefits most, and rivalries are honourable.I would hope that Shetlink and Shetlopedia, and indeed may other net-resources, could be cast in that mould. It's all good.


Good luck and best wishes to it's administrators.


(And messrs Gates and Buffet, pm me if you would like a PA, bottle washer or anything that carries a 'Seattle' wage. :wink: )

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Njugle wrote:

Shetland as a whole has quite a high national public profile at the moment, and that's a great thing for trade. The more net resources the better.


I agree.


For our own website I have checked more than 200 existing community websites and community forums from all over Scotland, just to tell our users, where they might get valid information about the local situation. From that I can say:


i. there is a lot of world wide waste filling search engines,

ii. there is no such vivid forum like shetlink - neither for communities of a comparable size or even much bigger

iii. there is no comparable approach to build up a 'community encyclopedia' like shetlopedia.


To me it is not the question of "the more net resources the better" or not, it becomes more and more the question of "is there 'some kind quality - or not"?


What I want to say simply is: To keep up with the 'high national public profile', the positive 'stand alone image' which Shetland might have won for the moment you should try to keep the one thing running (no doubt about this) and to fill the empty buckets of the other one as soon as possible.


It might be a unique chance with no competitors for the moment, neither in Scotland nor in 'German speaking' Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).


By the way: Has anyone asked Mr Gates whether or not he has some ancestors from Shetland? Might be a good chance to get some funding ... ;-)

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Greetings from Moscow


Just a quick post to clear a few things up.


I discovered Wikipedia back in May this year. Understandably, Wikipedia don't want detailed information about Shetland place names, people and stories, etc. So I thought I'd set up a site that did. The name was originally a choice between Shetlapedia.com and Shetlopedia.com. After talking to a few people, we agreed on Shetlopedia.com. We did not know that this name had already been discussed by anyone else.


Had I known that Shetlink were considering such a site, I would probably have donated them some free webspace, volunteered to help them set it up and been glad that someone else was doing all the work. Shetlopedia.com will not have advertising, and we're not trying to make any money from it. I created the site because I thought it would be interesting.


I registered the name Shetlopedia.com on the 24th May. On the 27th May when waiting in Moscow airport for a flight to London, I spent an hour surfing the Net. I was looking for Shetland sites that might link to Shetlopedia.com. That's when I first discovered Shetlink. I became a member, sent an email enquiring about the cost of advertising (although didn't mention what I wanted to advertise), and later received a reply from Bryan. So I'm sorry if anyone still believes that the idea was taken from Shetlink. It really wasn't.


Shetlopedia.com has been up and running for over a month now, but was officially launched last week. The launch has been a success, but there's still a lot of work to do. I don't think we realised how much work would be involved, but it's been an interesting learning experience.


Shetlopedia.com has a Shetlink page, and has done since the beginning (although we recently changed the page name from Shetlink.com to just Shetlink). User JAStewart has made some updates, but there's plenty of room for more to be added. Please take a look and use it to promote Shetlink.




There has been some suggestion of synergies between the sites, why not? There's nothing to stop Shetlink members adding pages and/or links back to Shetlink. If there's something on Shetlink that you want to link back to, then go to shetlopedia.com and add the link. That's what the site is there for, to gather information and promote all things Shetland.


I've been reading some of todays posts, and I like the ghost thread. I have added a link back to it from the Shetland Folklore pages on Shetlopedia.com.


See http://www.shetlopedia.com/index.php/Shetland_Folklore


I think your suggestion of a collection of ghost stories on Shetlink is a great idea, and we'll be happy to link to each of the stories from Shetlopedia.com. Why not collect them all together and get them published in time for halloween? I'm sure the Shetland Times would go for it, and it would raise some funds for Shetlink.


I'll be back in Sunny Shetland in a week or so, and I'm planning a Shetlopedia.com night out in town. You're all welcome to come along and make it a Shetlink-Shetlopedia night out.


By the way, we're thinking of changing the name to just Shetlopedia, getting sick of adding the .com at the end everytime. Wikipedia.org is known just as Wikipedia. Should Shetlopedia.com be known as Shetlopedia? I'm adding a poll to Shetlopedia.com (if I can get the plugin to work). But welcome your views as well.


Bryan, now that Shetlopedia.com is up and running, I'll be in touch again about advertising. Still waiting for a logo to be designed, but once that's done we can create an ad banner.


I want to add my congratulations to the Shetlink team. What you have here is a very nice online community. I can only compare it to a Chiswick site that I sometimes use.




Use it if you want to talk about organic vegetables, nannies or Ant and Dec shopping in Sainsbury's.


Their website www.chiswickw4.com may give you some ideas. It's a very popular site in Chiswick. People even chat about it in the pub.


I have to work now, but I'll check back this evening to see what's happening. If you have any questions then the best way to contact me is by email. I'll not post the address on the site, but if you go to Shetlopedia.com, click on the Users List (under special pages), you can click on my name (Garywiki) and send me an email from there.


I hope this clears things up.


All the best


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I read your message and was surprised. I remember the thread, and that's not what the post said. I've been looking at some search engine cache of the thread, and I find that the message actually said something else.


It said


To JA, we're planning an events calendar and a user updatable Shetland encyclopedia (shetlopedia?)


That's completely different to what you just posted. You're just lying about the whole thing. You do mention the word Shetlopedia, but only as a possibility. The changed text in this message appears to be very recent as well, none of the search engines are showing your text in their cache. So you're using it in an attempt to slag off the new site and make everyone think that they stole the idea from you. That's a very nice thing to do. Well done Jim-Jam, you really are exactly the sort of person that I always thought you were. :evil:


I don't think it benefits anyone to lie, especially to each other.


If you're going to start making things up then you maybe shouldn't be an administrator in Shetlink. It's a community site where we all make and read each others posts. If we can't rely on the posts to be accurate, without you logging in as administrator and changing them, then what's the point. We're no longer getting everyone's view, just the views that suit Jim-Jam. I don't want any Jim-Jam views, I want everyones. I suppose this message will be removed quite quickly, after all Jim-Jam wont want people to see his little "error".


I for one will be saving copies of all my contributions from now on, just in case you want to change them and make me look bad.


Anyway, none of this means that the idea was stolen from Shetlink. If Shetlink had decided on a name, surely they would have registered that domain and not left it open. If this was decided as long ago as February 2006, then why was the name still available for registration in May when someone else decided to use it. And isn't it a bit of a coincidence that a few days after Shetlopedia.com gets registered, shetlopedia.co.uk gets registered by Shetlink. I don't know shetlopedia.com didn't register the .co.uk name at the same time as they registered www.Shetlopedia.com, I'm sure they're regretting their mistake now. But if Shetlink were planning to launch a rival site, then it's a bit poor to use the same name as them. Who's stealing who's idea here? They register the .com name in May, and Shetlink register the .co.uk name in June. They did it first.


Anyway, lets face it, if you want an original idea then you wont be finding many on the Internet. Is Shetlink an original idea? Not really? It's a bulletin board site with some newsfeeds. Been done many millions of times before. It's even been done a few times in Shetland before, but we all gradually moved over to Shetlink, and here we've stayed. Let's not ruin it all by trying to slag off another Shetland website. I for one will be using shetlopedia.com and adding my own pages onto it. And I don't mean vandalising the pages either. I'm sure Shetlopedia.com is a stolen idea, but stolen from Wikipedia and not Shetlink. Or maybe Wikipedia stole the idea from Shetlink as well? Who knows, it's a strange world when you're paranoid.


Back to the 'who stole who's idea'. I find it unlikely that someone stealing a Shetlink idea would wait 3 months to do so. They would have done it immediately if it was an idea they thought was worthwhile?


Anyway, back in February, how many people actually knew about the website? There haven't been many website members until recently. It's sad to say it, but the Sakchai saga has been a real boost to our site. If it hadn't of been for Sakchai, we'd still have been a small community of users, logging in to talk sharn. Now we're a slightly larger community of sharn speaking Shetlanders.


I also noticed last week that we were trying to install a wiki on our own site. www.shetlink.com/wiki. Seems to have failed though. If 'the code needed some tinkering' as was suggested in the original thread, then why the installation attempt of PHPWiki? The code needs no tinkering to use that, it's already pre-written for you. Just push a button and it installs. Simple, a monkey could do it. Or maybe not, as the link www.shetlink.com/wiki suggests. :lol:


Lets see now. Wikipedia is a very popular site. So, someone has an idea that this would be good for Shetland, so they try to think of a name. WikiPedia, a combination of the words wiki and encyclopedia. Join them together and you get wikipedia. Look at of the thousands of wiki sites now out there, and most of them are either called wiki something, or something pedia. So, if you're creating a Shetland Encyclopedia, what's the name that 99% of people are going to come up with? Shetlopedia of course. It sounds right and it tells you what the site is. If someone wanted to start up a Shetland encyclopedia and they didn't call it Shetlopedia, or one of a few very similar variations, then I'd have been surprised.


Now I've had my rant. I wish Shetlopedia.com all the luck in the world. It's a great idea and it's a great site. Shetlink should be wishing them luck and working with them. They have only good things about us on their site, and we should do the same for them. Anyway, it could be a great partnership. Shetlopedia.com directing traffic to our site. We could have a discussion forum for Shetlopedia.com and they could use it to add to their site. They are not competition for our site, they may just help us get a few more visitors now that the Sakchai mob have left us.


I'm going to have another beer and then head out for the night. :!:




Calm down.

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Greetings from Moscow....


Hi Gary. Greetings from Shetland! Good to hear from you. Congratulations on the shetlopedia launch


Just in from my work, so I'll hae a shower and my tea and concoct a longer response (I'm very interested in a Shetlopedia/Shetlink night out. A spree in the name of......well, a spree!)

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