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  • 1 month later...

We've had some big problems with the hosting of Shetlopedia and ShetlandDictionary. On Wednesday the hosting company just closed down and disappeared, no warning from anyone. It's not just Shetlopedia and ShetlandDictionary that were affected, but a few hundred other websites as well. I've spoken with the owners of a few of them, and they're all in the same position.


The hosting company wont respond to emails and they wont answer their phones. I have an address for them which I'll be visiting next week, but I don't expect to find anyone there.


The good news is that I had taken a backup of both websites last Saturday evening. We've still lost the work done on the wiki's between Sunday and Wednesday, but those were very quiet days for the websites anyway. It's unfortunate, but unless we can get the backups from the hosts, then we'll not be able to recover those changes.


I spent a couple of days finding new hosts, making sure that the new hosts were well established and had good references. I am restoring the backups onto these new servers just now, and hope to get it completed by tomorrow.


If you go to http://www.shetlopedia.com, you should see the temporary front page for Shetlopedia. (if you don't then refresh the page). This has a link to click on which will take you to Shetlopedia.


There are a lot of things still to restore, a lot of settings that were changed on the old site and lots of files to upload. Hopefully this will be completed by tomorrow.


After Shetlopedia, I'll be restoring ShetlandDictionary.com.


Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.



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  • 6 months later...

Shetlopedia and ShetlandDictionary.com are both down for maintenance. We expect them to be back online within 24 hours.


We're upgrading to the latest software versions, and installing some additional modules. We need some upgrade and testing time, and time to roll-back if it's unsuccesful. The sites may be back online sooner than 24 hours, but we'll have to wait and see how that goes.


Thanks and regards

The Shetlopedia and ShetlandDictionary.com team


http://www.shetlopedia.com The Shetland Encyclopaedia

http://www.shetlanddictionary.com The Online Shetland Dictionary


[***Mod edit - threads merged***]

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  • 5 weeks later...



The decision to change to 'all rights reserved' was made last week in order to prevent the copying of Shetlopedia content onto other websites. So much of the Shetlopedia content was being copied that we decided to make this change. The contributors to Shetlopedia have done a lot of work over the past year, and it would be disappointing for other websites to take the credit for their work. For that reason we made the change to the licensing.


Contributors retain the copyright of their own articles and photos. The new license being worked out at them moment will show that the author/photographers will retain the copyright. Anyone who wants to use any of that work will have to get permission from the authors first. Shetlopedia will not own the content, the people who write it will.


Shetlopedia is a non profit website run by the people who contribut to it. We do not display advertising, and we do not raise money in any way.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch.


Best regards


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Shetlopedia will not own the content, the people who write it will.

This could prove contentious where several people have contributed to a piece. Tricky line to tread, I guess. I'm no expert on copyright law, but I think that proving ownership of any contested piece of text (photos are much easier) will be problematic.

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... If someone is to own this information and be able to charge for it I wouldn't contribute without pay...




@Freya, if that's a problem for you then be assured, it is entirely yours, not mine ... ;-) I don't need to get paid when working just for fun and together with (newly found) friends ... ;-)


For the rest of the matter two quotes from wikipedia (to give a few examples):

This is a Shetland wiki, and therefore copyright free, so I am going to try and pinch tonnes of material from there!!!
this article has some lovely pictures, which we could do with!!!


That ended up in:

i) the wikipwdia Shetland Bus article, showing a reference "This article incorporates text from the article Shetland Bus on Shetlopedia ..." - discussable though the existing article is for more than 90% copied & pasted from Shetlopedia ...


ii) the wikipedia Yoal article, showing a reference "This article incorporates text from the article Yoal on Shetlopedia ..." although the article is for 100% copied & pasted from Shetlopedia ...


iii) the wikipedia Sixareen article with no reference at all although the article is again for 100% copied & pasted from Shetlopedia ...


All the three pages in between appearing on commercial websites using wikipedia mirror sites ... of course without giving proper credits.


Sorry folks, but that's what I use to call "unfriendly overtaking" or "exessive exploitation" of local knowledge ...

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