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Shetlopedia is an excellent site, full of information. It is a pity, however, that it is administered in the way that it is. One of the administrators becomes so apoplectic if contributors disagree with him that he feels entitled to ban them. It may be that this fellow is as knowledgeable as he imagines about every aspect of Shetland; but I feel that the site would be better served if he were to apply his undoubted talents elsewhere.


[***Mod edit - merged to existing thread***]

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@ Brian, I wiss du wid lit wis ken juist what'n guid hit dus, it ivvree time du faas oot wi sumeen upoa Shaetlapeedea du man cum heer an pluit an flite. Foo aft is dis noo du's cum an sed muckle da sam thing time an igyen....I wid tak fok heer it nidder kens nur cares whit aw the neesterin is aboot, ir turnin brawly seekened reedin da sam ower an ower.


Ony hisstree, ur och idder fur dat'n maiter, its sed ta be ony mair wirt is sumeen's best reckinin is a blak lee. Aw een haes dir ain tak upoa im, an aless fok spaek an trash oot whitivvir aw can live wi, dir naethin gyaan ta wirk.


Dae jobs mak nae odds upoa a plais laek Shaetlapeedea, aw een is juist anidder eek nem, wi da sam sae. Pooin rank an layin doon da law fur sumeen haes saek an saek wark, is ey gyaan ta raise da hackles idda rest.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Could be this....


Notice: Shetlopedia is currently being upgraded



During this upgrade, Shetlopedia will be frozen so that no edits can be made; and new user registration will be disabled. Shetlopedia will intermittently be offline.



Thank you for your patience, and apologies for any inconvenience this may cause

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It seems that Shetlopedia was hacked by some fairly persistent hackers. The logs show that the IP addresses involved were working on it for some time; and that they were finally succesful.


The website was taken down for maintenance recently, and that involved freezing the website so that no edits could be made and new user creation was disabled. This was a response to the spam attacks we've been suffering on the website over the past few months. We upgraded to the latest PHP and Mediawiki versions, but continued to have some issues. The recent spam attack was more serious though, and appears to be the hackers taking advantage of a vulnerability in the recent MediaWiki build.


The website has been rolled back to the pre-hack stage. We have also locked it down completely so that no access by the hackers can be made. We're reviewing the website security to prevent this happening again. We're also investigating the possibility of paying for a specialist, managed MediaWiki service to host Shetlopedia. A company that will handle all software installations, upgrades and security.


Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We hope to have Shetlopedia back online as soon as possible, but only when we're happy that the website is once again secure.


In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns regarding Shetlopedia or ShetlandDictionary.com, then please email us on admin (at) shetlopeida (dot) com.




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