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Evertype: Alice in Wonderland -- in Scottish Gaelic!


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Evertype would like to announce the publication of Moray Watson’s translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland into Scottish Gaelic, Eachdraidh Ealasaid ann an Tìr nan Iongantas. The book uses John Tenniel's classic illustrations. A page with links to Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk is available at http://www.evertype.com/books/alice-gd.html . Bookstores can order copies at a discount from the publisher.




Michael Everson

Evertype, alice-in-wonderland-books.com

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Choimhead am Burras agus Ealasaid air càch a chèile airson greis ann an tost: mu dheireadh thall thug am Burras an hùga às a bheul, agus bhruidhinn e rithe ann an guth fann, cadalach.


“Cò thusa?†ars am Burras.


Cha b’ e toiseach tòiseachaidh brosnachail a bha seo dhan chòmhradh. Fhreagair Ealasaid, is i beagan diùid, “Is beag—is beag tha dh’fhios agam, a dhuine uasail, an-dràsta—co-dhiù, tha fhios agam cò bh’ annam an uair a dh’èirich mi sa mhadainn, ach saoilidh mi gu bheil mi air atharrachadh iomadh turas bhon uair sin.â€


“Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh le sin?†ars am Burras, gu cruaidh. “Mìnich na tha thu ag ràdh!â€


“Chan urrainn dhomh mìneachadh na tha mi ag ràdh, a dhuine uasail,†arsa Ealasaid, “oir chan e mise tha annam, tha fhios agaibh.â€


“Chan eil fhios agamsa,†ars am Burras.


“Tha eagal orm nach urrainn dhomh a chur an cèill ann an dòigh nas soilleire,†fhreagair Ealasaid gu math modhail, “oir chan eil mi fhèin ga thuigsinn sa chiad àite; agus tha e gam fhàgail gu math troimh-chèile a bhith na bha sin de mheudan eadar-dhealaichte taobh a-staigh aona latha.â€

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