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What is up with Shetlink??


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Thanks for the tip, Hector, but I tried and the messages are still sitting there. Very frustrating.


Sentbox = read, Outbox = unread


If a message is in the Outbox then the recipient hasn't read it yet. Once the recipient has opened/read it, it moves to the Sentbox.

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I've sent messages between some accounts we use for testing purposes and I can confirm that the PM posting functionality is working correctly, apart from the obvious issue of an error message appearing once a message has been submitted.


Further tests under way....



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Have just sent pm to Admin but Ghostie posted on the other thread that He suspects one user is behind it, Queen-Vik, as they have a crazy number of posts! (Yes, even more than Ghostie and I put together!).

Disabling that account seems to have done the trick. Cheers you two!


For some reason the database was indicating an inordinately large number of posts for that user which was throwing all the other post IDs out of sync.


Hopefully that's it sorted and cheers again



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