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SIC---do they know about Christmas?.


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Not that far to go before the Christmas and New Year holidays yet I notice that the SIC website is not yet showing the holiday arrangements for the two services that matter to me most........the library and the rubbish collection services. I am sure other people have different priorities but maybe the council needs reminding that this is the age of the internet.

But full credit to the ferries department who have published their details.

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Can someone explain to me why folk Spam a website?


What do they get out of it? Does anyone buy/visit or understand the crap they write? I don't understand.


Same with spamming my email address? I don't reply, it gets trashed and what is the point?


Is there money in Spam (apart from the delicious tinned variety that is very nice fried with an egg on a floury white roll)?


Just asking really, coz I don't get it.

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Talking of Christmas....isn't Lerwick having a Christmas tree at the cross this year? It was really pretty in the snow last year.


No. There are only two trees gifted now. Besides if there had been one up already I don't think it would be there now with these winds. Happened last year. They snapped.

Living Lerwick have organised shops to have trees outside which get taken in at nights. I actually find it quite nice having little trees everywhere.


As for rubbish collection I believe it runs two days after normal collection date.

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The Library hopes to be open for a couple of days between Christmas and New Year, and exact hours will be advertised soon.


And just how many people are going to use it? This is at a time when the SIC say they need to make financial savings.

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And just how many people are going to use it? This is at a time when the SIC say they need to make financial savings.


Folk need to use the computers, find a bit of warmth and company, return books and take books.


Apart from the cost of the lights and a little extra heating, it would have no impact on saving 33 million. The building still needs to be heated, the staff would still be paid.


After all, it is a service...

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The essy kert is just running 2 days late, as it has done for years, they are plenty time for them to tell us, and for the sake of 2 weeks would it matter if we stored our rubish for that time. The 'SIC' is not some god above us all, its just normal folk like you and me. So, yes they know its christmas as everyone 'in' the sic is off work for christmas like the rest of us.


I'm sure in the 2 shetland times from the start if this fourm all will be explined. like they have done for the past few decades


Why the libuary has opened is byond me - don't they have the 2 weeks shut down like the rest of the council? Can you not take enough books to last you 2 weeks? you got nout else to do?


I know social work (poss housing) usualy do an emergance number if folk need assistance outwith office times so the folk that need help get help.


As with the shops, folk seem to be buying food for the next month, when the shops are only closed 2 days

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