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Shetlopedia is in limbo so you couldn't probably add it at the moment anyway. The site has been in the middle of an upgrade since the summer and hasn't been sorted yet. You can only load the site if you type in /Main after the initial site address.


Ghostrider says he could try to do it for you but no search engines would pick it up at the moment.

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I'm keen to see Shetlopedia back working again.


I understand it was hacked and now it's going through an upgrade (presumably to ensure it isn't hacked again).


I was just wondering if there was anything that we can do to help? If, for example, there is a lot of grunt work, going through all the wiki pages and sorting something out on each one, then getting some wiki-literate helpers may be welcomed. If, on the other hand, it's more technical, and plebs without the relevant skills will only slow things down, then maybe not.


Anyway, offer is there, please tell us how we can help. I'm posting on here because I know of no way to contact Shetlopedia when editing is disabled.




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  • 8 months later...



Shetlopedia was hacked and they really made a mess of the website; also shetlanddictionary.com was affected.  Unfortunately a lack of time and expertise has meant that the website didn't get back up and running; although we still hold the backups for the website and we're keen to get it back.


We're looking at the possibility of getting it back online very soon; and then we'll be looking for people to help as administrators on the website.  We'll also be looking for people with the expertise to prevent similar sort of hacking happening again.  It may be that we have to pay a company to host the site for us and to take responsibility for the security of it; or we may find someone willing to help us out. 


Shetlopedia and ShetlandDictionary.com have always been free from any sort of advertising or income, and we're planning to continue that way; although we have considered the possibility of allowing limited advertising with the income going directly to one or more Shetland based charities which would be chosen by Shetlopedia's members.  I'd be interested to hear peoples thoughts on this; and how they would see it working.


A budget has been set aside to get Shetlopedia and ShetlandDictionary.com back online and hosted securely.  It now just requires some time and effort to make it happen.  


You can contact me (Gary Johnson) on the Shetlopedia admin email address (admin  -  at  -  shetlopedia . com) and let me know if you have any questions.  And if you're interested in volunteering in any capacity (administrator, contributor, marketing, website security expert) then please get in touch and let me know.


We're hoping that the website will be back online by the end of the year; and open for people to edit.


Many thanks,

Gary Johnson

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