Njugle Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 debka.com[/url]"]DEBKAfile Exclusive: Israel’s ground operations in Lebanon and strikes against Syria are clandestine and go well beyond official statements July 19, 2006, 2:15 PM (GMT+02:00) Israeli spokesmen speak only of small ground crossings into the south and air strikes against several war material trucks crossing in from Syria. However, according to DEBKAfile’s military sources, those ground incursions extend to central and eastern Lebanon as well as the south, targeting Hizballah strongholds and launching sites, and include several cross-border raids into Syria in pursuit of fleeing Hizballah terrorists and for the interception of incoming groups. Weapons convoys destined for Hizballah are also being struck on the Syrian side of the border. To conceal the extent of their losses, Hizballah has instructed its people not to hold burials. Well what think ye of this conflict fellow Shetlinkers? Is Isreal a little man with a big stick, or a legitimately aggrieved victim of Hizballah? According to another report on the same site "the war will not cease until Washington is sure that Iran has received a bloody nose"Eh?Anybody got a handle on what is actually going on now? The more i read, the more confused i get. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomblands Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 2-1 Israel (aet) I reckon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twerto Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 I don't think it will cease until America has control of the whole middle east and beyond. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Inky Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 I don't think it will cease until America has control of the whole middle east and beyond. A little optimistic, perhaps, given their failure to control the violence in Iraq ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twerto Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 yeah well what ever comes first.. the end of the world or America succeeds in rulling the world.. niether i hassen to add would i like to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 yeah well what ever comes first.. the end of the world or America succeeds in rulling the world.. niether i hassen to add would i like to see. Compared to previous, mostly European, "world-dominating" "empires", not least of which was the U.K. in it's day, America's current position pales in a relative inconsequence. I don't think it's stretching the point far to assert that the U.S. Military is currently operating near capacity, and the finiancial cost of current commitments are heading the country towards a ruinious situation unless addressed adequately and promptly. Opening a new front somewhere else could only be viable with increased taxation to bank roll it, and/or conscription if a military avenue was to be pursued. Neither of which is going to fly with your average Joe Public American. If you want to look at someone who *may* have designs of ruling the world, I would suggest you check out one or two who are working away quietly, but busily on other continents, who might just achieve that end through stealth and creeping in the "back door", while the world's eyes are on the Middle East floor show. As regards Israel et al. Arab and Jewish people have been sworn enemies for almost time immemorial, and IMHO very probably always will be. There is a deeply entrenched mutual hatred between them, that I cannot ever envisage being completely removed. I fear recent history is destined to keep on repeating itself, with uneasy truces and bloody flare ups, just like this one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustMe Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 Njugle wrote Well what think ye of this conflict fellow Shetlinkers? Is Isreal a little man with a big stick, or a legitimately aggrieved victim of Hizballah? According to another report on the same site "the war will not cease until Washington is sure that Iran has received a bloody nose"Eh?Anybody got a handle on what is actually going on now? The more i read, the more confused i get. Two sides to this. To the Palestinians and also to the Lebanese and Syrians Israel is this Zionist state that was dumped between them by the west and ever since has alternated between full scale military actions and acts of terrorism and it is easy to see why a kid growing up in Gaza or the West Bank would hate the Israelis. To Israelis the west returned them to the "promised land" which they have always claimed was their homeland. Since then they have been under some sort of attack more often than not and regard any actions they take as defence of their homeland. Best hope for a solution other than both Arabs and Jews rising up against the warlike people in their midst.......such as governments & Hizballah.....is for countries with influence in the area....USA, Syria etc. to sit round a table and agree a way foreward and then for a UN force drawn from neutral countries to establish a "peace line" that will have to last for years. As for the US.....or at any rate Bush and his cronies........giving Iran a bloody nose I think it would be most ill advised and could bring retribution both to the US and, if we are still a US puppet, the UK. Thought for the future......a no go area for the rest of the world running from Alaska to half way through Mexico with a very wealthy population and the defence budget only being for defence. Trade with the rest of the world.....yes but movement of people no. Say 25 years time. In fact it has already started with airlines having to submit passenger data before leaving wherever they are coming from. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rourkes Drift Posted July 20, 2006 Report Share Posted July 20, 2006 Well what think ye of this conflict fellow Shetlinkers? Is Isreal a little man with a big stick, or a legitimately aggrieved victim of Hizballah? According to another report on the same site "the war will not cease until Washington is sure that Iran has received a bloody nose" Eh? Anybody got a handle on what is actually going on now? The more i read, the more confused i get. Without wishing to 'state the obvious', the whole conflict in the MIddle East is similar to other conflicts throughout the world such as Northern Ireland insofar that it is deep rooted in history. The fire is added to day by day, and year by year. The current conflict is just another very large coal in the fire. The future results are frightening unless some strong diplomatic leadership is adopted now, with no more pussyfooting around vested interests.Over the years, the Israeli aggression has been there clearly to see. Some would say that there is a lot of hypocracy there insofar as they as a people established there land there after WW2, and drove Palestinians out of there. Wasn't that what the Nazis did with Hitlers expansionist policy in the East. Certainly, like cannot be compared to like, but it is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black as they say. But, the war crimes of the Nazis undoubtedly pushed post-war Israeli governments into the seige mentality that has since existed. Lets not also forget that locations such as the West Bank are considered by the United Nations and most other nations to be under Israeli occupation. There are Israeli settlers there after all protected by Israeli armed forces. Such events as the 1948 Arab Isreali War, and the Six Day War in the 1960s were examples Israeli policies surely? Armistice lines were drawn up after the former conflict and didn't settle anything, so perhaps we would need to be very careul of the U.N creating neutral countries - although an excellent possible solution. Then, Britain being the 'great colonial empire' had out mits in about the whole situation also and didn't help - so we are equally to blame.Clearly the US have sided with Israel more over the years, partly of course due to that large Jewish lobby in the United States. This is understandable. Only when the US as a super power treats both sides equally will there be any hope of a solution to the problem. But, since there is more of a deep rooted hatred towards the U.S. on the Palestinian side, this is going to be extremely difficult. President Bushes 'private' conversation with Tony Blair earlier on this week certainly did not help the situation in that it made it clear that he was blaming one side more than the other. The solution to such problems is surely not to apportion blame to either side, but to accept that such a conflict is a 'human tradgedy', and to look for an extetior soluation. That was what was done in Northern Ireland. Both sides were brought to the negotiating table because they basically had no more cards to play. The same should be done here. As long as Hezbollah think that they have got the US against them as well as Israel, then they will continue to Hijack and commit terrorism. As long as Israel know that they can count on the U.S. support, they will continue with their present policy!! The Security Council of the U.N. needs to make some resolutions on this, otherwise a solution is going to be difficult to find in the immediate future. It is fair enough to say that everyone should sit around a table. That is definitely what everyone wants to see. But, just getting them to the table in the first place will be a struggle, and the only way of doing that is to make sure that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Njugle Posted July 24, 2006 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2006 I see the isrealis wiped out two stationary ambulances today "by accident", the most sophisticated military technology money can buy and they can't distinguish two ambulances from missile launchers? And the west stays quiet, because good old "Kondy'll" get it all sorted. If anybody else took out ambulances the Yanks would be on them like a rash, well, unless they were yanks taking out yanks, or brits eh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mag Posted July 24, 2006 Report Share Posted July 24, 2006 And the west stays quiet, because good old "Kondy'll" get it all sorted. Yes, I see old 'Kondy' won't support a cease fire until it's 'sustainable'. (What does that mean? Until Israel gets it's own way?) You can bet if it was America being bombed she'd want a cease fire right here and right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aWordinyourEar Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 A lot of consensus round here, on the central argument of Israel/US's disproportianate response. "Disproportionate" is getting used a lot for this, it sounds a little weak but seems right. Disproportionate is what happens when a little kid throws a pebble at some beefy soldier saying 'F... off my land', and the soldier turns around with a gun and blows his head off. I was sickened by tonight's news, watching Kondy and her Israeli proxy smiling broadly for the press. This is not a smiling business. Blair's BBC interview offered a small glimmer of hope, but if he doesn't deliver the ceasefire he suggests is possible in the next few days, he'll be rightly seen to be in the Bush/Israel lobby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted August 7, 2006 Report Share Posted August 7, 2006 George Galloway explodes http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/videoplayer/0,,31200-galloway_060806,00.html# he has a very fair point though "George Galloway explodes" - that got my hopes up! I do agree with much of what he's saying in that clip. I think the media bias in favour of Israel is appalling. Try watching Fox News, if you can bear it without putting your foot through the screen Who's invading who's country? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustMe Posted August 7, 2006 Report Share Posted August 7, 2006 An interesting interview. George Galloway makes very good points about the media being on the side of the Israelis although perhaps that is changing. For an alternative view http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage might be worth a look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted August 7, 2006 Report Share Posted August 7, 2006 For an alternative view http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage might be worth a look.Al Jazeera is an excellent news agency. Not the mouthpiece of Muslim terrorists as it is sometimes made out to be in the West Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted August 7, 2006 Report Share Posted August 7, 2006 For an alternative view http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage might be worth a look.Al Jazeera is an excellent news agency. Not the mouthpiece of Muslim terrorists as it is sometimes made out to be in the West Notwithstanding any other factor, they have given themselves a serious overall credibiity problem in many people's eyes, by appointing themselves the "official" broadcaster of any and all blurb Osama & Co plc churn out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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