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It is criminal the way this organisation are treating people with ill health as am sure you will be aware of if you have been unfortunate enough to have had any dealings with them. I would ask anyone who has had problems to consider contacting there MP and informing him about it. MP for Orkney and Shetland Alistair Carmichael can be contacted at carmichaela@parliament.uk


A short clip of a Labour MP talking in the house of Commons today, and i feel he spoke quite well and it is worth watching if only to let you see how bad things really are with ATOS.


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It is criminal the way this organisation are treating people with ill health as am sure you will be aware of if you have been unfortunate enough to have had any dealings with them. I would ask anyone who has had problems to consider contacting there MP and informing him about it. MP for Orkney and Shetland Alistair Carmichael can be contacted at carmichaela@parliament.uk


A short clip of a Labour MP talking in the house of Commons today, and i feel he spoke quite well and it is worth watching if only to let you see how bad things really are with ATOS.



Interesting clip and well put.


I have known more than one person who has cheated the system and gained disability allowance whilst they were more than able to work and its clear that these people need to be taken out of the system. Unfortunately folk like these have given the benefit a bad name.


However recently I have been supportive to a friend who is not able to work, was accessed and lost their benefit, they appealed the decision and rightly won their case. However, in the interim, because they lost income, they went into deep debt and their health has suffered greatly.


Despite getting their benifits repaid they are still in debt and now in poorer health. This is down to ATOS and the system.


It seems they are hell bent on getting as many off benifits as possible, with little concern to the worry and financial difficulties they cause to the disabled person and the method of assessment clearly is not doing what it should.


The system desperately needs changing before more genuine folk have to suffer.

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Unfortunately in every aspect of life you will have people who will abuse the system in some way or another and take what they can. Right from the top you have the MPs who claimed fraudulent expenses and at the other end of the scale you will have ones claiming benefits they are not entitled to.


I do wonder how the MPs who were not claiming fraudulently would have reacted if they had been treated and had their claims dealt with in a manner similar to that of genuinely ill and disabled people who are having theirs withdrawn from them afer going through the indignity and stress of an ATOS assessment.


This is a link to the full debate from where the original clip was taken, it starts at 11.53. still not managed to watch all of it but there is an absolute shocking case discussed at 12.36 and the sad thing is by no way is it a unique case, it is happening to many.



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Conservative council leader quits over 'lie detector' tests on benefit claimants.




Well done that lady, even more surprising for me is the fact that she is a Tory.


Perhaps they should use the 'lie detector' on the MPs when they are claiming their expenses or filling in their tax returns.

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In April, the government will give a tax cut to everybody earning more than £150,000 per year, and for 8,000 people who earn over £1 million a year, that means a cut of around £2,000 a week. At the same time, someone receiving the adult rate of Jobseekers’ Allowance will get an extra 71p a week.


The change in the personal tax allowance will not help people in work on low incomes. Citizens Advice has pointed out that “any rise in net earnings leads to a reduction in housing benefit and council tax benefit.†In fact the improvement for people in low-income work was recorded by Helen Goodman: 13 pence per week.


Meanwhile, the average price of weekly grocery shopping has risen by 17 per cent and the energy companies have hiked up their prices by around 11 per cent.


Child poverty is set to skyrocket, thanks to the measures of the Government. The Institute for Fiscal Studies tells us that, taking account of everything that the Government announced before the autumn statement, child poverty was already set to increase by 400,000 by 2015 and 800,000 by 2020.


Although it was not mentioned in the autumn statement or the impact statement, and a question to the Minister has gone unanswered, the government has let it slip – in a statement by a different minister – that the three years of one-per-cent uprating will increase child poverty by 200,000 – on top of the increase that is already due.


That means that we are on track for one million more children below the poverty line by 2020.


And at the same time most MP's say they should have a pay rise of nearly 32% which would give them a wage of £86250




keep up the the good work Mr Cameron and continue with your social cleansing and forget\kill off all the poor and disabled people in the country and look after your own.

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A claimant films his work capability assessment undercover.


Did you clock the bit at the end where it stated that assessments are being done by NHS staff and not ATOS in Scotland?


Yes i did notice he said that and i think it is for the new PIP assessments (see link)which are replacing the DLA for which ATOS won the contract but have appointed NHS Lanarkshire to carry out the assessments. So it will still be ATOS doing the Work Capability Assessments (unfortunately)




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