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SNP - Proposed airgun legislation


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[MOD EDIT - 25/09/2013 - Altered thread title from "SNP" to "SNP - Proposed airgun legislation" to better identify the contents. Added tags]



I see the SNP want the owners of low powered airguns to have to get a licence to own a airgun.Now i know that there are are large number of people in shetland who enjoy shooting with airguns .Any veiws good/bad idea ?

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Well this is another thing that highlights the city v country issue since there are problems with air guns in cities. But of course one has to wonder if the people causing the problems would even bother applying for a licence since there will doubtless be people prepared to sell air guns without.


One thing that the Scottish Government needs to be clear about is that any licensing scheme must not cost councils like the SIC any money if they have to operate the scheme.

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i have one for pest control and culling sick hens. seems ott that i will require a gun cabinet a licence so a doctors check and a crb check plus a home visit. surely if we are forced to go through all that. it would just be as easy to go up to real firearms at the same cost with the higher risks of abuse of them. to be honest is there really an issue with air rifles in shetland.

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paulb .you make a good point my understanding is that it will be more difficult to get a licence for a under 12ft/lb power airifle than for a shotgun licence which is daft.Are they really going to send people to jail for not having a licence for that forgotten old airgun in your shed /loft?

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Another step towards greater state control of everything and a kick in the teeth to what's left of the "free country" illusion.


Eighteen years after one screwed up sucicidal nutter flips, and the Scots establishment is still running scared witless and paranoid about anything that even begins to resemble a gun, its rather tragic and sad that folk who are allegedly preparing to run an independent nation have nothing more productive to do with their time.

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Is it not another" sledge hammer to crack a nut" approach? Which has come about due to the scare mongering press!


There is likely an issue with these south in big cities but I would have though current laws were sufficient. I think it is already illegal to use them in a built up area, understandably, but haven't ever been aware of issues with them being used oot inda country!

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i read to-day that GB already has one of the strictest gun laws in europe

no matter what if i get a gun to-day no-one can tell if i'm going to snap in a couple of months and use the gun on myself or others.the only way would be for a monthly (or even shorter time)trip to the doctors for him to check i'm not getting depressed/angry/suicidal and how practical would that be

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Crimes involving hand guns are still quite high. Even with the current licensing of air powered guns, crimes using them still happen. There are laws already in place that could be used. There could be a point to regestering ownership, especially as they now look more like guns that use powder. It will not identify them straight away, selling or buying could require registration. It would help to see the consultation papers.

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Having lived somewhere where the the bus often wouldn't complete it's journey at night due to pot shots being taken, kind of glad. At one point it was both termini, one end turned out to be a 20something the other a teen. Yes one end was in the city but the other was rural.

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i have one for pest control and culling sick hens

Hopefully Ron Patterson visits your way shortly..

For cruelty to animals.

Link passed on to the SSPCA..


How have you arrived at the conclusion that paulb is treating his animals cruelly from that brief statement?

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i have one for pest control and culling sick hens

Hopefully Ron Patterson visits your way shortly..

For cruelty to animals.

Link passed on to the SSPCA..


he is welcome to come at anytime.

cruelty to animals don't think so. the rifle is used to destroy the brain. followed by throat cutting. if im comminting crime then every other chicken keeper is in trouble.


its really sad when folks use the sspca to bully people. plus it wastes their time.


it is lawful to kill with an air rifle mattie honestly some folks are sad.

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The thing is offences involving airguns in scotland are at a all time low down 71% in the last 5 years alone from 334 to 195 last year where is the evidence that airguns are a major problem and need licencing .I would have thought the the SNP would have bigger problems with the economy in freefall,housing crisis,drugs,knife crime,etec,etc but no this seems to be their top issue at the moment.

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i have one for pest control and culling sick hens

Hopefully Ron Patterson visits your way shortly..

For cruelty to animals.

Link passed on to the SSPCA..


OMG :shock: in the name of the wee man ! And no doot da SSPCA and Paulb's time will be wasted due to another busy body with little to do but create havoc.

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