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SNP - Proposed airgun legislation


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The report above states that airgun crime fell last year yet again to a tiny 171 incidents that's a fall of 13% from last year and a fall 75% from 2006/2007.The authorities are to be congratulated for this as their policy's are clearly working so why is the SNP still hell bent on introducing a airgun certification scheme which could cost £100 million or more. It cant be for public safety as the number of ''incidents'' involving airguns are tiny considering there are 500;000 airgun owners in Scotland and dropping fast each year in any case.It can only be because of political dogma . It would be fine if a SNP supporter could come on and justify this policy of theirs.Perhaps its unjustifiable ?

Edited by redrobbie
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Here is a link to a debate about airgun licencing at the Scottish parliament recently . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyTj4xxJleQ

I'd like to know why Chick Brodie was allowed to sit in on those proceedings AND, does he have any say on the final outcome? 

If his brother or sister was in the dock in court for any kind of offence then he wouldn't be allowed to sit on the jury.  Same difference at that hearing.


I'm an Airgun owner and while I can see the need for tighter airgun controls, I can see a full licensing scheme decending into complete farce.  Sure, responsible airgun owners like myself will apply for and hopefully obtain airgun licenses....But what about all the drugged up, drunk, jobless neds in the city centers?  Are THEY going to jump on the law-abiding bandwagon and apply for their airgun licenses?  It's them who are doing the damage to our passtimes, hobbies and sports, not us. 


The death of the wee toddler was absolutely tragic and the man who did it was a lunatic who shouldn't have had access to a weapon of any kind but 'punishing' a whole community in relation to isolated incidents like that one is simply wrong.   A much fairer outcome would be to find out which person or which gun dealer sold him the airgun, prosecute the previous owner where plausible and/or revoke the gun dealer's licence to sell arms rather than blanket-bomb a whole community.


I use my air rifle for pest control on the local farms around Scalloway, Asta and Tingwall.  What's going to happen to those crops when the Rabbit population is again out of control if myself and others who own airguns, don't obtain airgun licenses?  Why don't we just release Polecat's into the wild again....That was a huge success the last time, or maybe Mr. McKaskill might like to engage in a bit of Rambo style Rabbit hunting, running through the heather bare chested armed with.....A rolling pin or something. 


Maybe that last wee bit sounded stupid, I'll leave sounding stupid up to the politicians in the future.



Edited by gafynandrew
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The whole thing is crazy and doesn't make sense according to percentages of deaths by air arms in comparison to kicking and punching, what are they going to do make us have licences for shoes next its far to far overboard. These people who are making the laws have no idea, they banned crossbows but you can still shoot with a .177?  A 150lb draw strain crossbow is going to kill a bunny more humanely than a .177 air arm

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Wether we like it or not, Mckaskill is railroading it through regardless.  And he has the full backing of the govt.

Remember, this is the same man who released Al Megrahi despite legal and economic pressure from the U.S. citing that he only had weeks to live as the reasoning for his release.  Did he offer his victims on Pan Am 103 any pity?  The man should have been sent to the gallows for what he did. 


A typewriter is more dangerous in the hands of a fool than any weapon.

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Because the people who committed those offences got their handguns 'off ticket' and they aren't the type of person to own a gun by the rulebook.  Also, at the same time they would be the kind of person who would positively avoid a police station, not walk into the front desk and ask for a firearms certificate app. ;) + the UK customs, while they try to stop the supply of illegal arms into the UK from eastern Europe, they have a near impossible job on their hands.


If and when the licensing scheme comes in, the other field sports had better watch their backs, fishing etc because if and when this goes through, the green lobbyists will be going hell for leather after them.

There was a video on this subject by the BASC on youtube, bear in mind that there were no clips of shooting ANYTHING in that video, the amount of animal rights people spouting nothing but pure bile and hatred was unbelivable.  Comments such as "I hope you and your family die in a fire" resulted in not only the comments section being disabled on thad video but also the video being taken down.

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