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SNP - Proposed airgun legislation


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I think you'll find that the argument on both sides is quite biased.  We, the (air)gun owners don't want licensing, while the high powered suits do.  What I'm alarmed at is the lengths that the powers that be will go to as a means of getting their way.  Most of the argument from the airgun owners side (that I've seen) has been quite level headed and has been put forward with a good helping  of common sense.

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This SNP led drivel should be a firm wake up call for everyone regarding the future of an independent Scotland.


The ruling Scottish elite, living the high life in their exclusive Edinburgh, taxpayer funded, city lifestyle, dreaming up half arsed legislation to make them look important and feel valuable.


Scotland is potentially headed on a path to disaster, with this bunch of moronic clowns leading the charge.


What a total waste of time. Better efforts would involve curbing violent assualts with fists, boots and heads by drunken idiots - maybe they should start by licencing or restricting those first? A far greater risk, and the statistics will fully back it up! 

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If you want to control a population, first you have to disarm them.

If you want to control vermin from eating crops you have to shoot them to keep there numbers down otherwise there numbers will grow and grow. The figures show that you are ten times more likely to be hit and kicked to death than to be shot with an air arm and there is a 58% more likely chance of being killed with a sharp instrument which can mean anything from a skewer, ice pick to a sword.

It is wrong in any situation to tarnish people with the same brush because one person breaks the law. Read the statistics http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2011/12/14124940/6

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If you look through reports of the court proceeding's during the trial of Mark Bonini  http://www.thefreelibrary.com/You%27re+an+animal%2C+a+menace+to+society..+but+now+you+can%27t+harm+any...-a0134980997.   It was stated that he had modified his airrifle to make it much more powerfull .This strongly suggest's that it was over the UK limit of 12ft/lb and would thus require a licence under the existing law.It was also stated that he had been in and out of jail most of his adult life which would make him a '' prohibited person'' under the excising laws  and banned from owning any gun including airguns.There is nothing that the SNP are proposing that would prevent a future Mark Bonini getting his hands on a airgun.

Edited by redrobbie
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Well that's the problem with the proposed licensing scheme.  It's not going to prevent criminals getting their hands on air guns, or any other type of weapon.  It's not like once the scheme is in place, that every low life who owns an airgun or air pistol is going to head down to the nearest cop shop and ask for an air gun license application.  It's going to be a massive waste of time, money and police time. 

Say if there are 250,000 fresh airgun applications on te first day of the scheme being brought in....That's going to take months before the police clear their feet of all applications then 5 or 10 years later when the airgun owners apply for a renewal it'll happen all over again.  The whole idea is madness. 


What the powers that be should be concentrating on is making it harder to purchase an airgun in the first place, rather than penalising the good, law abiding airgun owners by forcing them to fork out for a pointless license.

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Background checks before the aigun is handed over the counter, face to face sales only.  As it is now if you're buying an airgun from an RFD you have to collect it from him/her in person but the laws regarding second-hand sales are a lot more relaxed.  I could buy one off Gunstar right now and probably have it here on Tuesday via the Royal Mail/courier service with NO checks on any criminal activity on my part.

Edited by gafynandrew
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