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SNP - Proposed airgun legislation


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It is an odd part that may not have been thought through and one hopes will come up in the readings. Folk need to keep in mind they need to petition members of the SGov to highlight this.

I am happy with a registration system, but am still uncomfortable with the full licensing part, as you mention, it seems that there will be an additional burden on owners and the Police.



The big problem with air guns is that most do not have serial numbers unlike ''real'' rifles and shotguns.So how will they be registered ? 






Nearly all Ariguns from the 80's onwards have serial numbers unique to their own manufacturer. Normally they're found under the breech end of the barrel, the breech block or on the end of the cylinder housing.

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It is an odd part that may not have been thought through and one hopes will come up in the readings. Folk need to keep in mind they need to petition members of the SGov to highlight this.

I am happy with a registration system, but am still uncomfortable with the full licensing part, as you mention, it seems that there will be an additional burden on owners and the Police.



The big problem with air guns is that most do not have serial numbers unlike ''real'' rifles and shotguns.So how will they be registered ? 






Nearly all Ariguns from the 80's onwards have serial numbers unique to their own manufacturer. Normally they're found under the breech end of the barrel, the breech block or on the end of the cylinder housing.



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It is an odd part that may not have been thought through and one hopes will come up in the readings. Folk need to keep in mind they need to petition members of the SGov to highlight this.

I am happy with a registration system, but am still uncomfortable with the full licensing part, as you mention, it seems that there will be an additional burden on owners and the Police.



The big problem with air guns is that most do not have serial numbers unlike ''real'' rifles and shotguns.So how will they be registered ? 






Nearly all Ariguns from the 80's onwards have serial numbers unique to their own manufacturer. Normally they're found under the breech end of the barrel, the breech block or on the end of the cylinder housing.




See Administration [questions 6-8] http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0042/00420003.pdf

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A self proclaimed expert and one submission is not really enough to make an informed choice, just because you make submissions, it does not mean you are an expert on the subject unless of course proof is also supplied to authenticate.

However, he does advocate control.

Issuing registration documents listing serial numbers will prevent exchange to evade the law, those without suitable ID can be registered and marked. The old way of the registration of cars is an easy way, Shetland used to have LS as part of the number, a small Dbase per area on line could do that.

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So you are now arguing against a registration system. When, it looks as if a licensing system may be brought in. Though, you document mentions nothing of Chinese weapons.

It is not beyond the skills of man to mark a weapon if there are no marks.


Registration is the compromise.

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So you are now arguing against a registration system. When, it looks as if a licensing system may be brought in. Though, you document mentions nothing of Chinese weapons.

It is not beyond the skills of man to mark a weapon if there are no marks.


Registration is the compromise.

No i am just pointing out the practical difficulty's surrounding such a system.Difficulty's the SNP seem keen to brush under the carpet in their rush to push through what they see as a vote winning policy.As for retrospect fully marking unmarked guns that raises complex legal problems and the guns would need to be send to be proof marked and it would all cost a fortune. 

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No i am just pointing out the practical difficulty's surrounding such a system.Difficulty's the SNP seem keen to brush under the carpet in their rush to push through what they see as a vote winning policy.As for retrospect fully marking unmarked guns that raises complex legal problems and the guns would need to be send to be proof marked and it would all cost a fortune. 



Robbie are you shocked at that. Look at the law on corroboration they were told and told but they hammered it through only to be told it wouldnt work by those that know and the very same Justice minister had to put everything on hold. How much did that all cost consultation after consultation with all the legal opinion saying it was very dangerous but hey they did what they wanted anyway only to be told that we would all end up in the appeal court They Just Dont' Listen to their own advice

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Yes i agree with you there Kenny Macaskill seems to blunder from one fiasco to another.With this air gun licencing they are addressing a non issue recorded offences involving air guns are at a record all time low.There are already laws in place which cover every possible misuse of a air gun with heavy penalties available to anyone breaking them.The ironic thing is if this becomes law then i predict that offences involving air guns will soar as more people are caught out on mainly technical breach's [victimless crimes] of these new measures .How will they explain that away?

Edited by redrobbie
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