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SNP - Proposed airgun legislation


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"ok police where raiding a womans bedroom where she had a collection of weapons all the way up to anti tank weapons. the police where stood next to the bed in a manly none sexual way when she pulled the pin. another ex con was let off for owning a stun gun. because he thought it was just a normal torch. you know like you do.  "


1st.  It appears that it was a man's bedroom not the womans.

2nd. He pulled the pin not her as, if I read it correctly, she wasn't there at the time of the police visit..

3rd. The weapons, with the exception of a shotgun, had apparently been disabled and were incapable of being discharged.

4th. The man claims to be a collector(?) and appears to have voluntarily surrendered himself for police interview.

5th. She (the woman) appears to be the person who turned him in in the first place...


Seriously Paul, this kind on heresay type reporting/posting does nothing for either side of the cause.  Some people might fall for/believe it but, once the thin veil of misinformation is removed...  Go figure.

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I have never believed that these proposals have anything to do with public safety their own statistics do not support any need for all these new laws.http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Crime-Justice/TrendFirearm

 Its all about getting power from west minister any power.The Calman report originally wanted complete power over all firearms. This was rejected but the Scottish government was handed the sweetie of power over low powered air guns.Now that power has been devolved to the Scottish government they fully intend to use it,or they will look very foolish.I fear no matter what statistics or reasoned arguments are put to them they intend to bulldoze this through.Take for example the consultation where well over 1000 people responded 87% were against it.This was dismissed by Macaskill as''irrelevant'' .With SNP support going up daily it seems we are fast approaching a one party state    

Edited by redrobbie
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