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How to get a council house!


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Well, that lot took some reading and not really sure what to make of it. Hello all, first post here and we (as a family) are moving to Shetland soon (June/July) as I look to take up a post and come and join you up there, probably for the rest of my days. A little disheartening in places this thread tbh...


Some anger, some upset and some not thought out posts. The fact is that housing (social) is very much a problem everywhere and those in need may vary from what you perceive as needy and those that are not.


We have applied to the Council, but will also rent privately and depends on what comes along. We are looking at low demand housing and are happy (in the short term) to commute as required. I do it on a daily basis here in England so commuting in Shetland will be a joy, no matter how far away (although the prospect of two ferries to get to work makes me think hard)


I am in my early 40's and own my own home but due to a triple dip recession my house is worth sod all and we will make very little money when (if) it sells and I have never, repeat never received a benefit. I served in the armed forces from 1986 to 1999 then left and joined the TA, left that in 2008 after what is counted as 22 years continuous service and I am looking to re-join the TA before I am too old (look at my new thread that I will start) I have been to war, spent time serving all over the world in one job or another and paid up on all me tax yet I am unlikely to qualify for social housing... hey ho, no point in complaining is there?


Cannot buy as most mortgages currently require at least 30% deposit, so on a £100,000 property.... do the math, who can buy eh?

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Hi and welcome,


If you own a house you obviously not qualify for social housing as you wouldn't if you rented it out and you moved up here, but as your selling it I imagine you can still apply but possibly much further down any list, probably best bet is private renting if you can but as some have found it can be very difficult anyway up.

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Hi Shaun

Welcome to Shetlink :D


I have friends in the same position as yourself, they own a house in England but wish to move back here. Can't get house sold, so they will have to rent to begin with as they are unlikely to qualify for social housing.


Hopefully you will be able to find something suitable, until you get your property sold. There are a few rental properties advertised in the classifieds on a regular basis.

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Rent privately if you can gives you chance to get to know Shetland and where you want to live with your family, then from the sale of your house you would be better position to buy a place otherwise you will be possibly better off where you are for now til things improve however long that takes.

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A little disheartening in places this thread tbh...


I served in the armed forces from 1986 to 1999 then left and joined the TA, left that in 2008 after what is counted as 22 years continuous service and I am looking to re-join the TA before I am too old (look at my new thread that I will start) I have been to war, spent time serving all over the world in one job or another and paid up on all me tax yet I am unlikely to qualify for social housing... hey ho, no point in complaining is there?


You know the worst bits of ARRSE? - (some of) this lot are every bit as bad.


There are lots of lovely people in Shetland. Most of them are not on Shetlink as the trolls have driven them all away and even the mods have given up.


Look on Facebook instead?

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There are lots of lovely people in Shetland. Most of them are not on Shetlink as the trolls have driven them all away and even the mods have given up.


Look on Facebook instead?


I've encountered some of the lovely people you're talking about and most of the shetlink chatter is entertaining (if not always informative)...... But some of these trolls are hard going.

I try to treat them as an educational interest (part of my training was in psychotherapy), but It doesn't work.

Being relatively new here, Is this troll issue ingrained or is it novelty?

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Being relatively new here, Is this troll issue ingrained or is it novelty?

When Shetlink was new and the first 1000 or so people were on it, it had a wonderful community feel - you were made welcome, you could chat to people / have constructive arguments about the issues of the day / exchange information / help out. I have three friends from those days whom I met on Shetlink, subsequently met in real life, liked very much and with whom I keep in touch - mostly on Facebook. I'm sure others do too.


But then people moved in and started to play out their private lives in front of us - for what warped purpose it is hard to discern. At one point there was a threesome going on - one third of which is probably Crocus in his 5th or 6th incarnation - whose means of communication append to be rock videos with in-jokes based on sexual connotations. Absolutely fine among consenting adults but the rest of us really didn’t want to know. Then some of the same people took it upon themselves to lecture everyone else about anything and everything. There was no topic on which one person in particular was not an expert. It became tedious beyond belief, and after the long-running argument about whether or not one might reasonably walk up someone’s garden path to express an interest in purchasing their house, large numbers of Shetlinkers gave up on the forum and have not come back. Which is a great shame - a community resource destroyed by the egos of a very few damaged individuals.


Perhaps you could offer them some pro bono psychotherapy / counselling for the good of (the other members of) what used to be a community?

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Being relatively new here, Is this troll issue ingrained or is it novelty?

When Shetlink was new and the first 1000 or so people were on it, it had a wonderful community feel - you were made welcome, you could chat to people / have constructive arguments about the issues of the day / exchange information / help out. I have three friends from those days whom I met on Shetlink, subsequently met in real life, liked very much and with whom I keep in touch - mostly on Facebook. I'm sure others do too.


But then people moved in and started to play out their private lives in front of us - for what warped purpose it is hard to discern. At one point there was a threesome going on - one third of which is probably Crocus in his 5th or 6th incarnation - whose means of communication append to be rock videos with in-jokes based on sexual connotations. Absolutely fine among consenting adults but the rest of us really didn’t want to know. Then some of the same people took it upon themselves to lecture everyone else about anything and everything. There was no topic on which one person in particular was not an expert. It became tedious beyond belief, and after the long-running argument about whether or not one might reasonably walk up someone’s garden path to express an interest in purchasing their house, large numbers of Shetlinkers gave up on the forum and have not come back. Which is a great shame - a community resource destroyed by the egos of a very few damaged individuals.


Perhaps you could offer them some pro bono psychotherapy / counselling for the good of (the other members of) what used to be a community?


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Being relatively new here, Is this troll issue ingrained or is it novelty?

When Shetlink was new and the first 1000 or so people were on it, it had a wonderful community feel - you were made welcome, you could chat to people / have constructive arguments about the issues of the day / exchange information / help out. I have three friends from those days whom I met on Shetlink, subsequently met in real life, liked very much and with whom I keep in touch - mostly on Facebook. I'm sure others do too.


But then people moved in and started to play out their private lives in front of us - for what warped purpose it is hard to discern. At one point there was a threesome going on - one third of which is probably Crocus in his 5th or 6th incarnation - whose means of communication append to be rock videos with in-jokes based on sexual connotations. Absolutely fine among consenting adults but the rest of us really didn’t want to know. Then some of the same people took it upon themselves to lecture everyone else about anything and everything. There was no topic on which one person in particular was not an expert. It became tedious beyond belief, and after the long-running argument about whether or not one might reasonably walk up someone’s garden path to express an interest in purchasing their house, large numbers of Shetlinkers gave up on the forum and have not come back. Which is a great shame - a community resource destroyed by the egos of a very few damaged individuals.


Perhaps you could offer them some pro bono psychotherapy / counselling for the good of (the other members of) what used to be a community?


Thats probably one of the most accurate posts you'll find on this forum. I remember the garden path one well :(

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