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Shetlink software upgrade (courtesy of yadUK)


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Shetlink is now running an integrated hybrid copy of PHP-Nuke 7.6 / 7.8 with the most secure features of both incorporated to ensure the safe running of this project.


Shetlink would like like to take this opportunity to thank John Smith of yadUK who has carried out this work on a voluntary basis for us.

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Heh, the name "John Smith" seems so generic. Its like thanking "Joe Bloggs" :P

I'm sure Joe Bloggs would nave been thanked if he had put in several days of his own time to benefit people like you :roll:


P.S. You're hardly Rumplestiltskin yourself. I really am trying to hold back here...............

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Well said indeed PB. That's one of the funniest statements on the forum so far, and i totally agree!


At least John Smith is individual enough to only work one way round,ie


Stewart James, James Stewart.....generic or what.....must hold back also..... :?

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Hi Bryan,


Thanks for the mention! :) It's been a funny 'ol week working behind the scenes to provide Shetlink with a custom PHP-Nuke system.


There was a few hair raising points trying to deduce how to integrate two versions of the software to create the most secure system!! With glaring security holes in v7.6 and some of these fixed in v7.8, and others opened up! - and an upgrade to v7.9 (the latest) not filling all of these either! A hybrid system was the best fit solution.


Kind regards,



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No I don't find that statement offensive.


You haven't offended me personally at all. But some people on here are obviously feeling building frustration at the tone of some of your posts.


I'm sure it's not a big problem, just nip it in the bud before it escalates.

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