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Proposed Cafe Opposite Tesco's


Should it go ahead?  

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  1. 1. Should it go ahead?

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Seems there is a Planning Application in for a cafe (single storey timber structure) to be built opposite Tesco's and the fire station, with car parking.


Good thing?


Bad thing?




Perhaps starting your thread with more content and your own thoughts may be a better way to start it. There are far more important topic you could have chosen as well.

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Aaaah, that's the style peat, find fault with the topic approach before anyone has a chance to even think about a response!! Class act my man!


Well, not really an inspiring start then. Keeping the context sterile is one without thought.


It would be interesting to attend the planning meeting. It is good that some jobs may be created. Until we know where exactly it will be and design, can only speculate.

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Can't view plans just now, but it sounds like an excellent idea. Seal viewing, catchment of Tesco shoppers, business investment we badly need. Should we care if folk park an extra half hour in Tesco? I don't think even Tesco will, as the cafe will bring folk to them as well as vice versa.

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With the road getting completely flooded on occasion, it would need to built on stilts or have a hell of a lot of underbiggin? It all looks very nice in the summer, but the seaweed over the main road in winter clearly shows this is a crazy place to build.


Maybe would have been better to have at Sound Service Station and then could have served as a centre for Clickimin Broch as well.


Probably a good time as the days of council subsidised eateries are surely numbered?

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Perhaps starting your thread with more content and your own thoughts may be a better way to start it. There are far more important topic you could have chosen as well.


Looks like my signature line is twue then.


SP, it was late when I posted. The first link to the planning application didn't work as it just took me back to the main planning page which is why I didn't attempt a link (Hope Mucklejoannie is around though!) and right now, the links Carlos provided don't work. I think this is due to the way the SIC website works and throws up random URL links?


Planning Ref No. Ref. No: 2013/163/PPF.


I didn't want to influence any of the early responses either so kept it brief.


The Planning Application states they propose a new road access. Anyone reckon they mean the old road? The Application states they don't own the land. The building would be 140/145 sq m (? - 2 different figures given) and car parking and landscaping. Apparently they should have 29 car spaces based on the sq m but state they wouldn't be able to have that number on there and propose using Tesco's car park and other public car parks instead. Oh well, guess they could always park in Gulberwick ... if there's any space left. :wink:

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