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Log out problem sorted


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We got a report about a user having trouble logging out of Shetlink. Turn's out that it's a problem with how PCs running Internet Explorer handle cookies. If you run into this problem, follow these steps


Go to 'tools' from the top drop down menu, then select 'Internet tools' then click on 'delete cookies'


As far as I'm aware, this only affects PCs running Internet Explorer. A better solution is to use the "Firefox" browser, available for free download from http://www.mozilla.com. It is (in my opinion) a far superior browser to Explorer.


Alternatively, buy an Apple Mac. It is (in my opinion) a far superior computer to PC!! :wink:

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Aaright Jim-Jam. I see your point. There are two ways to log out


1) Click the 'Your Account' link at the top of each page, then click 'Logout/Exit'


2) In the forum section, click the 'log out' link to the lower right of the 'Shetlink: Forums' heading


I agree that it's not very obvious. I'll try to put a logout link in the top left of every page in the same place as the log-in. Cheers

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Nice site Bryan. "Aa da best tae dee"



A quick and dirty way to add a logout link is to add the following code in

the header section of the theme to get it along the top bar:




Alternatively edit the login block to include the above to have it placed



Hope this helps.



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