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Ah man I want to see Mr. Bean 2!


Fear not! It's coming to the Garrison in May!


Yay! Also, other films I'd love to see are Hot Fuzz and Black sheep.




I feel a Shetland version film poster coming on.

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Just back fae seein' the Mr. Bean film. I hate to admit it, but I actually laughed the whole way through. There were some parts that didn't even make sense, and it just made it all even funnier. I was there with a pal who also had a hearty ol' chuckle, but besides us, the place was silent... which made it even funnier!


It took me a peerie while tae adjust my "cringe" setting to maximum, but once I did, the funny bits became funny again! It was when you knew something would happen, but could barely watch it unfold. For example, Mr. Bean losing all his stuff, or everything going wrong in the most obvious possible way.


I think there was a bit of a romance in it to, but that was just so weird that my mind has had to destroy that memory forever.


The ending is truly epic. Think of the best school play ending ever, crossed with a huge Hollywood budget and a professional production team.



(It helps not to think of Blackadder at all for the duration of the film!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Casino Royal last night and apart from the lack of naked silhouettes of ladies prancing about in the intro it was a pretty good film, nice to see it hadn't gone down the totally cheesy path the last few had.. still a bit cringing at times.. but over all i enjoyed it.

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Saw This Is England tonight. Honestly, didn't think that Shane Meadows could top Dead Man's Shoes, but this is an amazing, powerful and disturbing movie with a fantastic soundtrack (anything that starts with Toots And The Maytals has to be good).


The wee lad that acts as the centrepin of the movie, Thomas Turgoose, puts in a wonderful performance in the lead role in his progression and development throughout the film. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but it's an equally funny, emotive and frightening picture. I'd honestly recommend this film to everyone. It puts Shane Meadows right up there with Michael Winterbottom in the higher echelons of current British film-makers.


Sadly, the British Film Industry will probably throw money at the next lack-lustre Richard Curtis script that requires a Hugh Grant-a-like to fall for a failed Eastenders actress in some sort of implausible romantic comedy setting, rather than subsidise people making interesting, challenging movies.


Anyway, rant over, can't wait for Carry On Council featuring Sid James as Drew Ratter. Coming soon to a combined Cinema-Music-Albino-Elephant near you. Note - Aforementioned project might be delayed until they've siphoned off enough money to pay off someone to write a feasibility study justifying a fixed overground link to Bressay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a French Canadian film on late last night called C.R.A.Z.Y. and what I saw of it was fabulous, however, try as I might I could not stay awake.. exhaustion took over. I'd love to watch it entirely... I'm sure it'll be on the tele again.

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Saw Fracture a couple of nights ago here in Aberdeen. I'd not really heard much about it before I arrived at the cinema, but it turned out to be an excellent film. Anthony Hopkins as the leading role; couldn't have been cast better!


I'm thinking of going to see Spiderman 3 some night soon. Anybody else seen it yet, and is it worth the ticket price?

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I'm thinking of going to see Spiderman 3 some night soon. Anybody else seen it yet, and is it worth the ticket price?

I say yay. It has it's faults (the wasteoftimetatsic "dance" scene in a jazz bar by the cocky Peter Parker stands oot!) but, assuming you liked the first 2, it's still worth a watch. There's a lot going in the the 2+ hours... some of which (the dance scene for one) could've been cut for the better.


Did I mention the terrible dance scene? It does provide a nice toilet break opportunity :lol:

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I was bitterly disappointed wi Spider-Man 3. Im a massive fan o da first two (Spider-Man 2 is arguably da best comic adaptation yet), a huge admirer o Sam Raimi, an' wan o da biggest super-hero geeks you'll come across, but der wus just so much wrong wi da film.


"The dark side" o Peter Parker wus handled extremely badly, an' I think dat all comes doon tae Raimi originally no wantin' tae include da Venom character atall, he niver really seemed tae "get it". Da film just seemed tae follow cliché efter cliché, an' didna actually amount tae bein' awful, but just incredibly average. All dat said, it is still DEFINATELY worth da admission price just tae see Bruce Campbell's best cameo yet...

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I must admit I rarely get to the pictures (I've been 3 times in the last 13 yrs...) but I am going to see Mr Bean at the weekend. I tend to watch the films on the tv and I have to recommend Bubble Boy which was on BBC2 again last Sunday. Absolute nonsense, totally implausable plot but it made me laugh out loud.


The tv has had one of my other favourites - The Breakfast Club - on the week before too, and I finally got to see the whole of 'Dead Poets Society' at last.


Come to think of it I've watched more films in the last fortnight than I have for years. Keep an eye out for Bubble Boy - it deserved to be on at a more accessible time!

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They've got it here noo;


It's crap quality but gies you an idea what your in for.

I thought it wuz pretty good but yeah venom didn't get enough of a look in.

Mind you if Kirsten Dunst wiz appearing in a septic tank I'd pay for a ticket in.


Bruce Campbell can only ever be listed on best lists.

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