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you have to have a favourite of each guy who play the characters. like REECE = edward STEVEN = pauline and MARK = micky!! hes soooo cute. even tho hes ugly, you wanna hug him! "she was kind to me, she brought me a tuna sanwich" (thats off their live version!)

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yeah, hes a scary guy!!! ben was his name. the pissing into a glass bit was just so funny!!


you seem like ya into a lot of stuff i like! what else you fond of? lol


I saw the leauge of gentlemen film on film four and was disapointed, didnt like it that much.


Comedy stuff I like is Seinfeild (its criminal the ammount of people who have not seen it), Still Game, Leauge of Gentlemen, Father Ted, Curb your Enthusism, Arrested Development, Coupling, In Sickness & in Health, Ren & Stimpy and anything on adult swim.

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havent heard of most of them!! lol dont get to watch tv anymore :cry:

still watch movies tho on dvd! having said that i watched DONNIE DARKO again the other night, i get most of the film, but just dont really understand WHY all the strange stuff actually starts happening in the first place!


anyone care to share???

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  • 3 weeks later...

I watched Clerks 2 on Friday night.


I bloody love Kevin Smith I do, so it's highly unlikely that I was ever going to dislike this film.


Although the first 20-30 minutes were quite weak in comparison to his earlier stuff, once the film got going it was classic Kevin Smith.


Although not entirely necessary, I would advise you to see Clerks before you see this as there are a few jokes that you may not understand. And Clerks is on ITV4 on Thursday night should anyone be interested.

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American Beauty. Must be one of the most brilliant films ever.

Kevin Spacey rules!

Totally agree with you there. I never get tired of that film and Kevin Spacey does indeed rule. :D

I watched a film called Danny the Dog the other night with Morgan Freeman and Jet Li. I started off thinking it was rubbish but it turned out to be really good. Some amazing fight scenes and intense moments.

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