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Hotel Rwanda is an excellent film indeed. Its wan o yun films i believe shoud be shawn in schools (does dat ever happen anymair? we used tae get a film occasionally, always near da holidays an no just rubbish, but wans dat made you think or wir true stories.)


We watched Little Miss Sunshine at da helly, whit a fantastic film. Its a lang time since a "feel good movie" actually lived up tae dat statement, since maist o dem ends up being just childishly kinda half funny..

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Guest Anonymous

hotel rwanda is indeed an excellent film, i am looking forward to seeing the new film out about the diamond trade in africa, cant remeber the name of it.

Also just watched the departed the other night .

thought it was very good , jack nicholson in good form..

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Any o you seen Borat yet?


Without exaggerating, I started laughing about 5 seconds into the opening credits and stopped about a half hour after it finished. My mercy its funny.


I'll not spoil it for anybody (although the plot isn't particularly complex!) but watch out for the naked fight sequence


Funniest film I've seen in years (possibly since "Man Bites Dog". Anybody seen that een?)

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Borat is fantastic. Saw it mesell in ebberdeen and my comment efterwards wis "god damn Sacha Baron Cohen fur making me amused at twa naked me on a bed"


A true wan-aff classic.


I also got tae see Talledega Nights aroond da festive time, SBC wis excellent in dat too, dan ageen everybody in dat wis brilliant!


On reflection, it wis a brawly good year fur fims..

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Ha ha ha ha ha! Borat!


Saw it when it came oot in Aberdeen. I don't think anyone else in the place laughed as hard as I did. Even now when I think about certain scenes it raises a smile. I think what made it even funnier was that I was sat next to a guy who was completely offended by the whole film.


The fight scene! I've never seen anything more disguisting and more hillarious at the same time. It scarred me to be honest.

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Guest Anonymous

BORAT ! Brilliant watched it on the big screen in leith ,

a great laugh

the bit when after meeting the "gays " in new york

he said " what ? do you mean to tell me that man who put his fist in my anous is a homosexual !" and of course the fight scene!

three cheers for borat!!

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....and the bit when he was singing Kazakhstan's 'national anthem' at the rodeo. I didna think he would get out o there alive


....and the turd in the bag at the dinner party


....and him trying to buy a car with a fanny magnet


....and ....and


I'm sprootin laughin as I write this!

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Guest Anonymous


And him sittin in da back o da old ice cream van among da bears sharn wonderin where it all went wrong , im laughin now as weel!

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I hae da DVD o Sexy Beast, but no watched it yet.. Danights film maybe!


I'm finally seem Children of Men. It's a great film wi an even better idea, but i wis kinda dissapointed overall, which is a shame, since everything aboot da film is so weel done, except da story, which obviously impacts on it quite a bit!


(carefully tried no tae mak dat spoilerish!)

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