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Saw Blood Diamond at the weekend. Very good indeed. Great cast, good plot and no cop out at the end. Made you think too. Pity that Forest Whitaker pretty much has the Oscar sewed up for his Idi Amin - DiCaprio should have got something for either this or The Departed this year (and don't get me started on how he was cheated for What's Eating Gilbert Grape...)

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Two recently watched films:


Children of Man:

A relatively disturbing dystopia where a civil servant has to brave a collapsing society to help a woman he doesn't know, on the insistence of his ex, you can taste the tension, and it doesn't taste very nice, though I do like Michael Caine as a doped up hippy.


Memoria Del Saqueo: (Social Genocide)

A documentary following the social an economic collapse of Argentina from the fall of the military dictatorship to 2002. If you don't like neo-cons, you will hate them!


Brought to you by you local ray of sunshine, DeMascus.

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Went to see Music and Lyrics grim really grim bad bad bad not good rubbish.


8O Eww yuk! What possessed you? Everytime i see a clip of this film i feel nausious. :wink:


Went to see Hot Fuzz at weekend, just what you would expect really. Not a patch on Shaun of the Dead IMO but worth a watch. Good few laughs but probably could have cut the running time by about half an hour or so.

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Saw Pan's Labyrinth and loved it. Was even better than I'd hoped... and I've been waiting to see this for some time :D


Lovefilm blurb:


"Accompanied by her parents, Ofelia moves from a large Spanish city to a more rural area in the North of the country. Faced with the upheaval of moving home, an abusive stepfather and the general unpleasantness surrounding Franco's victory in 1944, Ofelia enters an imaginary world of creatures and demons, in a bid to escape. From Guillermo del Torro, the visionary director of THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE and CRONOS comes this frightening, yet fantastical film."


If you've not seen the trailer then check it out here.

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Just been to see The Good Shepherd.

I was completely gutted, was just going to hot-foot it to the box office for a refund when I realised it wasn't a docu-drama about the Fair Isle mailboat but some CIA thing instead.....


Good film, lot of chopping back and fore 20 year blocks and a few snippets of real footage from the big glasses era of 50's America.


Worth a gander, it'll pass nearly three hours and leave you wondering what exactly goes on in all these intelligence agencies....

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havent heard of most of them!! lol dont get to watch tv anymore :cry:

still watch movies tho on dvd! having said that i watched DONNIE DARKO again the other night, i get most of the film, but just dont really understand Why all the strange stuff actually starts happening in the first place!


anyone care to share???


If you watch the director's cut it actually explains everything really well. They had to cut out a lot of stuff to get it under the 2 hour mark for cinemas, and that's why it all goes a bit vague and weird at the end. Alternatively, read this:




Two films I've seen recently and really rated are Primer - dealing with Time Travel and Causality. Low Budget and quite Cerebral.


Also Brick - A Detective Film Noir style film about a High School kid trying to track down his missing ex-girlfriend.


Strongly second Dead Man's Shoes and also Dylan Moran's live stand up DVDs, while on the subject of Black Books. He seems to be mellowing out a bit tho, some of his early stuff is well worth searching for on Youtube (see below). Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure is hilarious once it gets going, too.


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