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Accommodation Barge

Equality Street

Does the big accommodation barge  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. Does the big accommodation barge

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So, I've just returned to the isles after a month or so away and, frankly, I'm somewhat perturbed by the massive accommodation barge that has appeared in my absence! I'm told it will remain docked at the pier in the center of Lerwick for the next few years.

No doubt this caused considerable controversy while I was away, but I haven't noticed any mention of it on this particular forum...

Ironically it's parked opposite the Thule, which I recall had some hassle regarding it's luminous 'T' sign contravening council regulations which, presumably, were put in place to curtail any developments that were seen as being somehow not aesthetically pleasing.

So, any thoughts? I assume there's nothing we can actually do about it, but I for one think it's a pretty crappy state of affairs when a company can just turn up and plonk an eyesore in front of one of the most picturesque harbors in Scotland and nobody seems to give a damn.

No doubt some emotionally detached keyboard warriors will disagree. As a resident of Lerwick, however, I think it's a real shame. :cry:

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Be interesting to see how the Poll goes. 287 views and 10 votes cast seems to indicate a lot of folk just aint bothered!


Picturesque harbours don't bring in the coin though and Lerwick only exists because of the harbour.


Not sure the 'next few years' is entirely accurate given the the terminal is supposed to be comleted next year.

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I think it's important not to confuse objection to the location of the barge, being the complete eyesore that it clearly is (in my opinion), with any hostility to incomers. For those of us who live in central Lerwick it really is a blot on the landscape. I've no doubt the publicans and shop owners are delighted. So as long as they're coining it in we should all be fine with it - is that the argument?

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My point was just that with all the controversy over the barge it's not likely to make them feel as welcome as they should.


I agree - the location of the barge doesn't create a great first impression, which is a shame for the incomers. I've happily chatted away to some of these people when having a fag outside the pubs and, like any new person I meet I take them as they are, not on where their paymasters choose to house them.

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Also, your last little comment "as long as their coining it in.."

Everybody's always complaining about tescos taking the local shops business.

It seems we'll never be happy.


I'm not particularly arsed about tescos, but personally I don't think we should be viewing the barge as the long-term saviour of commercial street.

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Well, it detracts attention from the ugly glasshouse the TSB has, M&Co's and Harry's abominations of extensions and the broon plook sheeite pump on the head of the pier, but that said someplace less "in your face" for it would have been better. Its out of proportion to its surroundings and dwarves everything else - could they not have found room to squeeze it in someplace around Holmsgarth too, it would have looked quite at home next to the Ro-Ro and Shetland Hotel.

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