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People that think people carriers are Ferraris.


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Has anyone else noticed that folk driving people carriers seem to be in a dreadful rush all of the time? Every time I drive in and out of Lerwick (always sticking on the speed limit) I get overhauled by a people carrier doing at least 80. Ford Focus C Max's and Galaxy's are generally the worst offenders.


I know a person that has a C Max and they are always boasting that it has 180HP. Well, big deal! That's for lugging a boot full of shopping and 6 folk home with, not for seeing how fast you can push it!


It's as if they are tying to make up for the fact the have bought the motoring equivalent of corduroy trousers.


If you are carrying your kids you should be driving sensibly, and none of this "I'm a safe speed driver" rubbish. It doesn't scan.

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I'd prefer a Yamaha V-Max at around 197BHP myself though it might be a tad difficult bringing home the groceries from Grotesco's on it. Still, I suppose I could always borrow Ghostie's original corduroy flares to fit in with the 'spirit' of this thread. :wink:


Edit: On second thoughts, I'd always wear leather ... far more sensible!

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despite having a baby on board sticker in my window and driving at speed limits I get fed up of morons driving right up my backside and overtaking in dodgy places.


I've never understood the concept of a 'Baby on Board' sticker as some sort of anti-collision device. It's not as if your average driver is thinking "OK, I won't crash into that car today, there's a baby in it. I'll look out for another one to career into out of control...."

I find that a fairly high percentage of these sticker bearing cars tend to have so much crap piled up in the back windows, (toys, clothes etc) that they pose more of a danger than the cars they tut at everytime they go past (I'm not saying you are one of them ohpollocks!), and the number of times I've been behind a car with the force-field of the sticker attached only to see the driver turning and reaching right behind them while doing 40, 50 or 60 mph to give little Joey his dummy back beggars belief.


Idiots in cars come in all shape and forms sadly.


Sadly this is very true

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seafletch I totally agree its really only a sign to say " I will not be driving fast like an idiot as I have a young baby in the car " :lol:


I guess in the wider scheme of things it does jack to help in any sort of form of safety, I think its just a hope people might not drive dangerously around me like driving right up to my bumper... or cut me up on a bend as I wont push faster then the national speed limit.


I had an idiot do just the above only yesterday on a single track bit on the westside. At one point I pulled in for an oncoming car and they went and overtook me then pushed the oncoming into the verge as it took evasive action.


the oncoming car thanked me for waiting and did a shake of his head and eyeroll at the offending car. I saw it further along on the horizin reversing back as they had totally ignored a passing place and tried to squeeze past another car.


Looking at the stickers on it I presume it belonged to someone in the younger generation.

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Must admit - The Courdroy Trousers bit is from John Bishop.


I feel exactly the same in mine ! I had to part with the 'love of my life car' to accomodate room for a pram, dogs, grandchildren and tesco shopping ! I still pine for it to this day.


the worst day of my life was taking delivery of a people carrier LOL !



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despite having a baby on board sticker in my window and driving at speed limits I get fed up of morons driving right up my backside and overtaking in dodgy places.


I've never understood the concept of a 'Baby on Board' sticker as some sort of anti-collision device. It's not as if your average driver is thinking "OK, I won't crash into that car today, there's a baby in it. I'll look out for another one to career into out of control...."

I find that a fairly high percentage of these sticker bearing cars tend to have so much crap piled up in the back windows, (toys, clothes etc) that they pose more of a danger than the cars they tut at everytime they go past (I'm not saying you are one of them ohpollocks!), and the number of times I've been behind a car with the force-field of the sticker attached only to see the driver turning and reaching right behind them while doing 40, 50 or 60 mph to give little Joey his dummy back beggars belief.


Idiots in cars come in all shape and forms sadly.


Sadly this is very true


The idea of "Baby on Board" is that if you have a crash the paramedics will make sure the baby is located in the event of a crash. I have heard of baby seats being thrown some distance from the vehicle in a crash.

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You guys have no idea, do you! Two things...


Firstly, try preparing 4 kids before work and arriving on time, I had to buy a swift 6seater.


Secondly, 180hp is not enough for the added weight. A few easy mods takes a zafira to 260HP and I can get it off the clock with all the family, wheel spins in 3rd if needed.


Thirdly, you cant prove we are breaking the law.



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You guys have no idea, do you! Two things...

Firstly, try preparing 4 kids before work and arriving on time, I had to buy a swift 6seater.


Secondly, 180hp is not enough for the added weight. A few easy mods takes a zafira to 260HP and I can get it off the clock with all the family, wheel spins in 3rd if needed.


Thirdly, you cant prove we are breaking the law.





That..... would be three things.

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You guys have no idea, do you! Two things...

Firstly, try preparing 4 kids before work and arriving on time, I had to buy a swift 6seater.


Secondly, 180hp is not enough for the added weight. A few easy mods takes a zafira to 260HP and I can get it off the clock with all the family, wheel spins in 3rd if needed.


Thirdly, you cant prove we are breaking the law.





nice to keep things anonymus scott nicol

:lol: :lol:
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