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Recent Upgrade And Data Migration Issues


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Edit 2: Oh, yeah.  The reason I was looking for the edit button. I notice the sign-up date is gone from below the avatar pic. Any particular reason for that?




It's still there but, it's in your brand spanky new personal profile page with all your other gubbins.

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Events Calendar


Now, after a bit of fiddling the "Events Calendar" is back online for users to add their community events too! You'll notice a "+ Post your event" button in the top right hand corner ideally. Just follow the instructions.


The idea is that it's a community based calendar of events - not an advertising medium for local businesses.


We'll see how well that's listened to 0_o

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Ooh .. you don't want them ;)
Basically, it's a way for the moderation team to increment a users warning points and show to the community how not to act per se.


The idea of Shetlink was an online community that'd ideally attempt to travel along the lines of Forum use - guidelines and netiquette and Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy along with just some general manners and common sense!


An online sitting room, if you will, one where people can come in and enjoy themselves.

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Another good thing with this software is if you really, really, really can't get along with someone you can set your profile to ignore all their posts. If the mods have it enabled that is.


Indeed. You'll find it in the drop-down when you click your name in the top-user-bar in "Manage ignore prefs". Hardly sporting - what what, ay? .. but, I guess could be quite amusing to see who ends up being the most ignored user(s) ;)

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could be quite amusing to see who ends up being the most ignored user(s) ;)


Will you be running a book on that? Might be more lucrative than the Paypal button :-D


What does "Members" underneath the avatar signify?

Oh, and the dots? (am guessing at some sort of ranking for volume of posts, but it could equally be the number of strikes left before a ban...)

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;) It's been considered


It was the best way to convert all the mass of permissions settings i.e. a group which unfortunately was named "members". Exit stage left for all the possible dodgy connotations!


Dots: ranking thing you get with all forum software. Shetlink never utilised it on the last setup. It just happens to be there. Means absolutely nothing to be honest "at moment" ... or maybe not?!? Queue Mr Burns finger drumming!

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^^ No problem. There's lot's to get used to on this new setup!


That is all to do with the "like" functionality. It's to essentially show how well rated by the Shetlink community - as a whole - you are in your forum posts. i.e. sit there behind your screen making sanctimonious near trolling posts in the forum and you're not going to get "like" hits upgrading your reputation nor are you going to escape people most likely ignoring you too ;) arf!


Hope this helps!



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