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Just under a year ago I became a cat "fosterer" for Shetland Cats Protection. I took on two 7 year old sisters who hadn't had much human contact for a few years and were very wary however, they have both settled down and now crave my company... if I'm in a room, they want to be in the same room.

Caring for these beautiful girls has been a brilliant experience and it's very satisfying to see the change in them - I had doubts at one stage that they'd ever come round, but they have, and now they've become perminent residents.


If you're looking a cat then please consider fostering or adopting from Cats Protection, whether its a kitten or mature cat, lap cat or bare-clawed hunter/killer for the croft, there are many deserving fur-balls just waiting for you!



Contact for Shetland CP can be found here


Thank you.


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