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Shetlink domain DNS - ISP issues


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Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee de-rail thread re others' blogs.  Perhaps I should start a blog about the day in the life of what I do and plaster it up every day as opposed to doing just one link to the blog. FFS, stating you don't like someone else's blog is hardly being rude.  Steady on, it'll be group hugs next!  Edit:  I'd rather be honest than hypocritical.  I might not like certain blogs but it doesn't mean to say I don't like the people writing them.  But have we really reached a stage where no one is permitted to say anything with the slightest hint of negativity in it and we simply must hug every blooming thing in sight and gush with pleasure?  Pass me the puke bucket now.


Trout, good luck with the techno babble incapable of crashing code or pressing the right button brigade.

Edited by unlinkedstudent
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I think 17872 views on Frances' blog speaks for itself....


back on topic: Thanks for the email telling me where Shetlink is currently lurking, Admin.

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Nobody asks you, or forces you to read it, if its not your thing thats fair enougth, however is there any reason for being so rude to a fellow shetland resident? I follow two blogs, that being one of them. I wouldnt dream of mocking anybody elses just because it wasnt my thing.


ETA: For what its worth Frances I think your blogs are wonderful, and often make me smile. Your photography skills of the shetland ponies and your little part of the world are a pleasure to look at everyday.




I don't read them because I have no interest in them and, more to the point, I was not being rude and neither was I mocking anyone, just expressing an honest opinion.  Didn't realise that was a 'no-no' these days....

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[...] Thanks for the email telling me where Shetlink is currently lurking, Admin.


No problem It's a strange place, not quite darknet but, not far off it. I'm going to name it twilightnet; a place between the Net that everyone knows and understands (on the surface) yet underneath the hood and in the internals of the Interweb. Yay!

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Thanks WJ, this is a new one. 123 have managed certain levels of their own auto-retardation prior but, this is at an all time high. Between this and the Shetlink movement to this new software - between now and 2005/6 the site has been offline more now in the last few months than ever! *sigh*
It really is a wait and see moment.


Just to add 123's ttl generally lives on a 21600 second cycle. This is in no way even near that - 604800 - x2 when they should have moved records. Massive fukarama. Reading through their T&C's it's for the most part [You bought domain from us - arf hahah ... don't expect anything as we drop all liabilty for everything - 'n if you pleeps then you'll mak wis gaff even mair - ehehehe - poopums!] 


Shame really. Makes you kinda want to have a registrar in your pocket.

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