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Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths among Us by Robert D. Hare was recommended by the parent of a possible psychopath I had the unfortunate (and extremely financially and emotionally costly) experience of encountering.


:shock: An eye-opener for sure, and explains a lot of things, but I really ought to stop reading it so late at night!

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^ Stephen King is generally very good, although I've not read anything of him for years now.


I'm currently reading 'Digging for Victory - Wartime gardening with Mr Middleton'. These are the transcripts from his 1940s radio broadcasts on the subject of, well, gardening. Charming style and packed with all sorts of information about growing, storing and otherwise producing food from one's garden.

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Finished this over a week ago and its still with me, it really fired up the imagination, a brilliant read -


'Rendezvous with Rama' by Arthur C Clarke


:D I wis a huge fan o Arthur C. Clarke whan I wis peerie (8-9 year auld). Hed a book o his aboot unexplained mysteries. Mind writin a letter t' him in primary school - wis gutted whan I got a reply fe a publisher o' his sayin he wis too busy t' send een back. :P

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I'm really not enjoying Son of a Witch. Seriously, don't read it - just read Wicked and leave it at that.


Son of a Witch is long, boring and completely pointless. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through and already I've given up giving a f*** about any of the characters. I'm going to finish it anyway because I hate leaving books unfinished, but I wouldn't recommend it.


I also heard to my horror the other day that the author wrote 'A Lion Among Men', a second sequel to Wicked. I'm not even going to bother with that one - I can see it only being a steaming pile of...well...lion poop.


I've got loads of books needing read - it'll probably be summer before I can get on to the rest of them but I'm determined to finish them all before the year is out. Wish me luck.

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Finished this over a week ago and its still with me, it really fired up the imagination, a brilliant read -


'Rendezvous with Rama' by Arthur C Clarke

If you enjoyed Rama then I recommend Eon by Greg Bear. This book is the reason I've never been able to finish Rama, it just takes things so much farther...

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If you enjoyed Rama then I recommend Eon by Greg Bear. This book is the reason I've never been able to finish Rama, it just takes things so much farther...


That looks really good. I've only recently started reading good science fiction, read some garbage when I was younger which put me off - this looks like a good recommendation, thanks! :)

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