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Shetland Weddings


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Dunno if it was "traditional" or simply a case of realities and convenience. Croft work kept folk fully occupied during the other three seasons, and many of the male population were at sea either at the fishing or as crew on ocean going vessels during those times of year as well.


Winter was when most folk were home and could find the time to organise and attend such things, and there was likely to be slightly more ready cash available to pay for things, croft animals having been sold at autumn sales and those at sea having received their pay for the season or voyage.

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Yeah mind my uncle saying to me that folk don't get married during lambing when we asked if he was coming to the wedding. Well they do if they can't get time off the rest of the year and they aren't involved in farming but my mum said the same that generally folk didn't get married in the spring because of work.

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