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Hi, I've been hearin some depressin stories aboot da recent arrival o some travellers fae sooth. Noo  you canna maybe believe aa da stories but if even half o it is true den dir bad news for Shetland, I ken some o da stories I'm heard are true cos dir been first hand info. Arrogance towards good hard workin folk, no payin for amenities, bein very forward an no takin NO for an answer an stealing, now dis is whit I'm been hearin, maybe no true, but if it is den lets try an get clear o dem afore dey tak advantage o even mair folk. Shetland should be a place whar you can leave yur hoose unlocked or da keys in your car an no hae tae worry dat folk might pinch your possesions, I mind when I wis peerie an it's no dat lang ago dat da hoose wis never locked even in da toon.

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No accused o onything, dir joost bein a bit threatening towards folk, an generally bein a bit o a menace tae an idder ways peaceful place, folk should hae nae right tae come an destroy a peaceful place lik dis by makin folk feel uneasy an haein tae think aboot lockin up aa thin when usually dir nae need. Dir very few places lik dis in da world noo an why should we pit up wi folk ruining it for wis. I saw whit some o dis travellers wir lik last year when dir wis eens here first hand, an dey wir no very nice folk at aa, arrogant and antagonising, I joost hope da stories I'm been hearin are no true.

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I heard a first hand account that one of them was trying to open car doors on the Whalsay ferry during a crossing.


I also heard today that they had been "trying" the doors of sheds and garages in Scallaway.


Sorry, but as long as "we" employ them to do these driveway jobs they'll be in Shetland.

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I heard a first hand account that one of them was trying to open car doors on the Whalsay ferry during a crossing.


I also heard today that they had been "trying" the doors of sheds and garages in Scallaway.


Sorry, but as long as "we" employ them to do these driveway jobs they'll be in Shetland.


And also, as long as we employ them there will still be piles of builders waste appearing at random throughout the isles.

Edited by gafynandrew
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Abused staff in Baroc on Saturday night as they were fully booked and could not get a table. They ended up in the Raba where there behaviour cleared the place of what customer were in. Police called to the Marlex last night to deal with there anti-social behaviour. These are just a few stories which i've seen on FB, there are many more.


This crowd shipped out of Orkney at the end of 2013 because they did not have the required permits or something like that to trade, the Orkney Islands Council put a halt too them trading, this is just what I've been told by friends down there.


What I would like to know is why the SIC can't do the same? I stead they have set up camp at the old dump where our council have supposedly provided them with a skip and a portaloo! If that is right then WTF!!


This lot are trading under the same name as the crowd who were here last year but it's different folk. The last lot that were up in my opinion seemed good folk, very pleasant and well mannered, i spoke to them several times as they did work around the houses here. This new lot are completely the opposite!


As Kavi says though, if Shetland folk keep employing them then here they will remain.

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I'm hearing tonight that there are two groups, with one group trying to muzzle in on the other. 


I'm also hearing truthful reports in relation to their behaviour at the Rova Head, among which is severe intimidation.


I'm beginning to wonder if the incident in Brae is related to it all......

Edited by Kavi Ugl
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Shetland need people to do this type of job but not these types, They work cash jobs at inflated prices. The inland revenue and the council should be looking into these chancers. It would be good if more local companies would do the paving and tarmac jobs without waiting months for them to quote and do the work. I would make sure you lock your doors as the last time they were up a lot of cars and sheds were broke into.

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To be honest I'm disgusted at everybodys attitude towards the work men. We're supposed to be a lovely and welcoming isle yet all that has happened since day one is moaning about them. They are here trying to provide for their families and earn a good wage. They need a bit of down time too. I work at the gas plant and the majority of the workers are the lovliest souls you could hope to meet. They definitely have a better attitude towards us than we do them.  


There's nothing that can be done about their being here, so we mights as well embrace it and make some new friends!

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To be honest I'm disgusted at everybodys attitude towards the work men. We're supposed to be a lovely and welcoming isle yet all that has happened since day one is moaning about them. They are here trying to provide for their families and earn a good wage. They need a bit of down time too. I work at the gas plant and the majority of the workers are the lovliest souls you could hope to meet. They definitely have a better attitude towards us than we do them.  


There's nothing that can be done about their being here, so we mights as well embrace it and make some new friends!


Suggest you try reading the thread before posting next time. Gas Plant/Sullom folk have not been mentioned by anybody, its about Travelers of the caravan/tent variety.

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