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My name is Jack Malcolmson, I am a sixth form student currently studying in Gloucester - however I am Shetland born and bred. 
I need your help!
As part of my studies I have to undertake an independent project on a topic of my choice. I have chosen to answer the question:
Has the upstream oil & gas sector had a negative effect on the culture, economy and environment of Shetland?
In order to successfully answer the question I need to undertake primary research in order to gather public opinion on how the industry has impacted on individual lives and on society as a whole.
By undertaking in this short anonymous survey you will help build an understanding of how, 40 years later, the oil has effected the traditional way of life - if it has at all.


I would be most grateful if you could fill in the survey, it should only take 5-10 minutes.




If you have any questions about my project, then you can find my email address at the top of the survey

Thank You!





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Thank you all so much! 

I can hardly believe the number of responses I've had to far - the results make for interesting reading!


When I've collected the data I'll post a summary here, and hope to later post my essay here also.


Once again thanks to all those that have responded!


Jack M

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I'll complete the survey over the weekend, a couple of comments though - feel free to ignore though.


Are you not approaching this with a preconceived view? Should the question not have been 'what effect' rather than has the industry had a negative effect?


Secondly, it'd be interesting to see a comparison of results between shetland and Orkney, the industry and council approach between the two was very different.

The Flotta development was much more self contained, whereas in shetland the development impact was spread over the whole island from Unst to sumburgh and most areas in between.


I visited Orkney in the 70's, 80's and 90's and was surprised how little had changed, the impact in shetland over the same period was dramatic in comparison.

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I'll complete the survey over the weekend, a couple of comments though - feel free to ignore though.


Are you not approaching this with a preconceived view? Should the question not have been 'what effect' rather than has the industry had a negative effect?


Secondly, it'd be interesting to see a comparison of results between shetland and Orkney, the industry and council approach between the two was very different.

The Flotta development was much more self contained, whereas in shetland the development impact was spread over the whole island from Unst to sumburgh and most areas in between.


I visited Orkney in the 70's, 80's and 90's and was surprised how little had changed, the impact in shetland over the same period was dramatic in comparison.


Hi there!


In answer to your first question, this project is for the AQA Extended Project Qualification. As part of the planning process you have to decide on a title for the topic - I originally planned to have the question as 'What impact has the upstream oil and gas industry had on the culture, environment and economy in Shetland?'. However the exam board recommends that the question be clear and objective so you can argue both sides easily - hence the use of 'has it had a negative impact'


I plan to provide a totally balanced answer to my question, without any preconceived opinions. I visit Shetland every year and from what I can see the Oil Industry has definitely had a huge economic impact. However I want to investigate the opinions of you, the islanders, and put statistical research towards the arguments of a positive/negative impact.


With regard to the Orkney comparison I too believe it would be interesting! Sadly the essay I am writing is limited to 5000 words, but in the future I may well continue my research to investigate Flotta vs. Sullom Voe!



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Here are some of the headline statistics for the survey so far:


  • 100% of respondents believe that Shetland has benefited economically from the oil industry.
  • 63% believe that culture has become more diverse.
  • 51% believe that the environment hasn't faced threat due to the industry.
  • 78% believe that the industry has had a positive impact on Shetland.

I look forward to reading more of your responses. 


Feel free to message me if you have any questions about the survey, or want to learn more about my project. I will be happy to answer any questions you have.





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