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House prices / Housing Shortage

Equality Street

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The housing issue affects everyone. Houses are not being built, this has a detrimental effect on council revenues when it comes to council tax and rates. The current Shetland Plan highlights areas that can be built on and the types of build, which protects the Islands from developers wants and needs in favour of Shetlands needs.

Councils have targets now to increase house building within their boundaries. Without these new developments, there will be little money to improve the infrastructure. Money comes from these to do that. Here the Gov have allowed a levy of £65 per square metre. So an average 3 bed house is charged £6k levy.


Are there similar charges like the C.I.L. or sec 106?

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So, house prices have increased by 100% in 10 years. 


Seeing as banks in Shetland are apparently no longer lending for self-builds, is it any wonder there's a housing shortage?

^^ Messed up the first post and too late to 'edit'. Feel free to delete original,  Mr Mod.

This is worrying due to the high numbers of self builds which can happen here, sometimes that's the only way folk can afford to build a new house. I wonder what reason the banks have for not lending to self builds?

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I have read that there are limits, you can borrow up to 75% for the land and up to 60% of the build costs. That would need checking. The Gov put in a scheme for folks to build, the banks certainly have schemes too. Materials here though have become expensive. Due to the lack of building going on, a pallet of bricks have almost doubled in price.

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 I wonder what reason the banks have for not lending to self builds? 

I think it is because there is no longer any local input in the banks,it is all centralised  and the concept of self-build is not well understood at head office? There has been a tendency, at my bank anyhow,  to get rid of experienced (older?) staff and control things from the Central Belt where self-build is seen as a luxury and not a staple as it is here.

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 I wonder what reason the banks have for not lending to self builds? 

I think it is because there is no longer any local input in the banks,it is all centralised  and the concept of self-build is not well understood at head office? There has been a tendency, at my bank anyhow,  to get rid of experienced (older?) staff and control things from the Central Belt where self-build is seen as a luxury and not a staple as it is here.

Thanks for that Rasmie. Centralisation is ok if you live in the centre :-)

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Dont you think thats a bit of a contradiction. If preople decide to move out to take advantage of 'sky high rents' then then that is a financial decision they choose to make - nobody is 'forcing' them to let their houses our for a lot of money.

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If it  continues to double every ten years say its 150k just now then after 10 tears it will be 300k then 20 years 600k then 30 years it will hit 1.2 million.Not bad if you picked up your old cooncil hoose for 20k

Edited by redrobbie
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If it  continues to double every ten years say its 150k just now then after 10 tears it will be 300k then 20 years 600k then 30 years it will hit 1.2 million.Not bad if you picked up your old cooncil hoose for 20k

I think that the rises are a bit of a 'bubble' and, unfortunately, when it bursts there will be lots of wailing going on.


Either way, picking up your house for £20k or so shouldn't cause any problems.

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  • 1 year later...

The housing situation is driving me nuts right now. 


I'm being made homeless through no fault of my own, and as of the 8th I will have nowhere to live. I filled out my housing application as soon as I could and they have known about my situation for about 2 and a half months. However, they would not see me and let me present my case until last week. I'm now in a very stressful situation whereby I'm having to pack up my flat with no idea where I'm going. 


The best the council can offer me is a B&B for the time being.They're also charging me to put my stuff in storage (for the foreseeable future). To me, this is truly appalling. 


I've always paid my bills and rent on time and i'm a hard working local. Due to work commitments, and not driving Lerwick is really the only area I can consider right now. The council keep asking me to look into private rent.. but unless you're earning silly, silly money.. it's just impossible. The cheapest property I've found (that suits my needs.. a 2 bed unfurnished flat) is £975 PLUS bills. I work on the gas plant, and while my wages are good this far extends what i can reasonably afford. Contract work is not permanent and anyone of us could lose our jobs at any point so simply cannot risk taking on a property with rent like this! I understand that people want to make the money while it's there to be made, but people should be ashamed of themselves. 


Landlords are kicking out long-standing tenants so that they can up the rent. These people then have to declare themselves homeless. Adding pressure to the council list. 

Couples are "separating" to gain another council property and then renting it out.


I've been told I'll be on the homeless list waiting for a house for the next 3 years!


Locals, who speak the local dialect, follow local traditions, are leaving and taking Shetland with them. Something needs to be done. 

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