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House prices / Housing Shortage

Equality Street

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The council keep asking me to look into private rent..


Thats the best piece of advice I've heard come out of the Housing Office.


Unless of course a mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance, backed up by jumped to conclusions based on nothing but their own prejudices and fantasies is what a person expects from a landlord, especially a social one. Then I'm sure being with them instead of a private let would be just swell.

Edited by Ghostrider
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The council keep asking me to look into private rent..


Thats the best piece of advice I've heard come out of the Housing Office.


Unless of course a mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance, backed up by jumped to conclusions based on nothing but their own prejudices and fantasies is what a person expects from a landlord, especially a social one. Then I'm sure being with them instead of a private let would be just swell.



If I could by any means afford private rent I would Ghostrider!


But it's utterly impossible unless you're earning silly bucks. 


Unfortunately my the only option I can afford is of the "mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance"  variety.


I'm a young, hard working girl who's found herself in hardship and I needed a platform to vent my frustration at the system. You're being very condensing, all in all quite nasty towards me, and there's really no need. Actions of a bully.

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I'm a young, hard working girl who's found herself in hardship and I needed a platform to vent my frustration at the system. You're being very condensing, all in all quite nasty towards me, and there's really no need. Actions of a bully.


I'm not sure where you picked that up from, no part of my post was aimed at you in the slightest. If I was being nasty towards anyone, it was at SIC Housing, and then with good reason and intentionally.


I was just trying to point out that while folk may be attracted towards social housing on account of very attaractive rent levels, ending up with a SIC house is far from a bed of roses, and what you don't "pay" in rent, you'll "pay" in other ways - Mediocre properties and mediocre service delivered with very unhelpful patronising arrogance, and unfounded discrimination and judgement.


Social housing is a good and necessary thing, but provided in the way it is by the SIC, it is as dangerous to your health and freedom as living in a cardbord box existing on the remnants of fish suppers discarded by passers-by.


For the record, I've been stuck in an SIC property for sixteen years, so I speak from bitter experience.


Sincerely, good luck in finding a decent place at a decent price with a decent landlord, and if you end up having to make do with the SIC, I hope for your sake you're one of the few that they "like your face", as if you are one of the many that they "don't like your face", of which I'm one, you'll rue the time you signed the tenancy many a day.

Edited by Ghostrider
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Ok, I get it now, Neepjelly.


It is a rather sad state of affairs, really, the only reasonably priced accom is now on the outer isles and what are the chances of most people gaining employment locally in these places, very small.

Edited by Scorrie
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single young woman working . don't even bother. is a flat/house share a possible. if you can afford a council rent it may be an option to look at first time buying with assistance with deposit. really hope you find some where. however its not incomers causin your issue. the sale of council housing and not replaced and buy to let.

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The council keep asking me to look into private rent..



Thats the best piece of advice I've heard come out of the Housing Office.


Unless of course a mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance, backed up by jumped to conclusions based on nothing but their own prejudices and fantasies is what a person expects from a landlord, especially a social one. Then I'm sure being with them instead of a private let would be just swell.


If I could by any means afford private rent I would Ghostrider!


But it's utterly impossible unless you're earning silly bucks. 


Unfortunately my the only option I can afford is of the "mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance"  variety.


I'm a young, hard working girl who's found herself in hardship and I needed a platform to vent my frustration at the system. You're being very condensing, all in all quite nasty towards me, and there's really no need. Actions of a bully.

Neepjelly, obviously your under pressure just now, but read ghosties post again, at no time was he having a go at you, he was clearly hitting out at the housing department, with whom he's had some experience.


I feel for young people today, who are struggling to find somewhere to live at a reasonable price. It can't be easy and I understand this must be a worrying time for you. I do hope you manage to find something suitable.

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Plenty of jobs aye being advertised in rural schools/care centres/fish factories in places like Yell, Unst and Whalsay for anybody inclined to want to live there/do that kind of work. Council houses in those areas are frequently on the 'areas of low demand' list on the SIC website too.

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Plenty of jobs aye being advertised in rural schools/care centres/fish factories in places like Yell, Unst and Whalsay for anybody inclined to want to live there/do that kind of work. Council houses in those areas are frequently on the 'areas of low demand' list on the SIC website too.

I agree with you there but da lass maybe wants to keep her current job. However I don't fully get why she needs to stay in Lerwick to work at the Gas Plant? With the sheer multitude of vehicles going there every day (as well as SVT and Sellaness where the site bus leaves from) I am sure she would be able to sort herself a lift to Sellaness with somebody?

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Difficult situation, but this seems like voluntary homelessness. Cheaper rents are available out of town or for smaller properties/shares, and that b&b will be costing the taxpayer at least £1800 a month. I believe emergency accommodation/b&bs should be reserved for the most needy.

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I'm sure you have, but have you tried Hjatland housing association as another avenue of social housing (I'm not sure if it comes under the council housing umbrella).

They do purely rented property and shared ownership property where you buy a percentage of the house (usually 25%) and rent the rest, with the option of buying a larger percentage later if you want.

Not sure if they have any property available but I'm sure it would be worth adding your name to the list (if it isn't already) with plans for a huge development at Staneyhill in the pipeline.

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