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I think they got extra funds from the government for street lighting which has to be spent by a certain date .


Then you have to call in to question the competence of the manager(s) involved to draw up a realistic and effective works schedule. Time constrictions on available funds are rarely made at the eleventh hour, they typically accompany the funds at time of granting.


It's lovely led lights that are being installed in Lerwick


Yes, LED here too, now that they've finally gotten the work finished, and IMHO a definite improvement on the previous orange sodium ones. Whether "lovely" or not remains to be seen though, given that one has had an apparent violent dislike for moisture, flickering like an arc welder with ever shower from a few days after it was fitted. Okay, may just be the one random turkey in the batch, but whether or not the rest are still fault free come the other end of winter will be the proof of that.

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The lamp posts at a row of houses near me have been removed.  No idea if this is some sort of cost saving to just remove the or part of a plan to replace them with low energy units which I welcome but to start the work at the darkest time of year seems a bit silly.  Mid summer would have made the work easier for the people doing it and whichever the reason would have given road users time to get used to it.  Locals not even told what is happening as far as I know.  And to add insult to injury there are now warning cones blocking more of the pavement that the lamp posts did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well to update on that three new low energy lights have been installed although last time I looked only one was working.  And large cones are protecting the site where the other two lamps have been partly removed.  Pity the large cones are taking up most of the unlit pavement and I hope that anyone falling over these cones slaps a nice expensive personal injury claim against the council.  And since the council would have to pay up for any successful claims I do wish whoever organised this was personally liable.  Maybe then they would think before such silly actions.

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