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100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum

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Yes, the only thing you can learn from the debates is that you can learn nothing from politicians, national or local amateurs.

One says aye, the other says no. They will never see eye to eye

We will have to vote with our own opinions and conscience and ignore any bullexcrement we hear on news media and social media forums

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There's nothing she, or anyone else can say that will sway my vote. She's a member of a Socialist party, the only other party likely to rule an independent Scotland are Labour, who are even more Socialist. I do not wish to live in a single party Socialist state, which is the only thing an independent Scotland will be, given that the total Socialist vote is unassailable by the available opposition without a very significant shift in long standing political support.


That, and the fact that in 15 years of "practicing for parliament" in Holyrood, Socialism has done nothing positive for the land they rule from where I'm seeing it, but have introduced much that makes life more difficult for the people living in it.

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Alex Salmond may have "come out fighting" in the debate last night but the whole debate itself was shallow and descended into the same old "ya-boo" politics.


I'm semi-interested in politics but even I came within an inch of switching the tv off I was so fed up with it.


I learnt and heard absolutely nothing new but what's crystal clear is that this is all about creating a socialist, left-wing utopia.  And mark my words, if the SNP come short on that, a new Socialist Party will be ushered in.


Scotland is a Socialist, Left-Wing beast and it's never going to change. 


The only thing the Scots are good at is fighting among themselves and it won't be long before all the euphoria wears off and they fall out and start fighting among themselves.


They've had 15 years to devolve control to places like Shetland but it's never happened simply because they want to control everything.  And it will be the same in an Independant Scotland, if not worse.


It's been bad enough under half power so I shudder to think what it'll be like with full power and fully unleashed......


It's a NO from me.....

Edited by Kavi Ugl
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Was thinking about the referendum this morning and I am a bit worried by who can vote and who cannot.  UK (but not Scottish) citizens living in Scotland get to vote while Scots living in other parts of the UK do not.  Also E.U citizens living in Scotland.  I am sure the Poles, French and so on are lovely people but is it right that they could influence the outcome of the referendum?.  As a non Scot living and able to vote in Scotland and not feeling to strongly either way I simply decided to vote as a Scottish friend who does not have the vote at the moment but will be living in whatever Scotland comes from the referendum would vote if she had the chance.  As an alternative to "don't know" or abstention.

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^ It all boils down to who and what is "Scottish", and that's a debate that's never been held yet, which in a way kinda sums up much of this current independence push. There's be no end of shouting, far to much of it pointless posturing and hot air, but the the things that should have been thrashed out, but have never been mentioned, are the telling ones.

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Kavi,seems all your Good at is being a bigot!! "The only thing the Scots are Good at is fighting amongst themselves",Fair play to debate but when you start insulting a whole race of people just shows you for the bigoted ass you are!! Whatever the outcome of the vote I hope bigots like you crawl back in to the holes they came from.

Edited by gibmac
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^ There may be any number of things individual Scots are exceedingly good at, just like other nationalities, but bickering with each other seems to rank pretty high among them when you get a random crowd gathered together.


The rather galling thing is the Scots establishment has a very poor track record in how it has treated Shetland and Shetlanders stretching back over 500 years, but we're supposed to forgive and forget all that and be at one with them. Yet much of this Scottish independence lark is being driven on the backs of William Wallace et al, which is a significantly older "issue", and while there's regular mob rule over whether you like green or orange best, and whose version of worshiping their imaginary friend has legitimacy - all far too hypocritical for my tastes entirely.

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Explain the mentality of people who talk about a peace-loving and forward looking future for Scotland and yet will happily stand there and sing 'Flower of Scotland' (written in 1965).


A song that promotes jingoistic and 'Little Scotlander' nationalist attitudes and rejoices in a military victory that took place 700 years ago..........

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